The two boys looked at me in shock.

"So you don'" Dean asked.

"Of course not!" I cried. "Come here you two."

I pulled them into a hug, an arm on each of them. "Now then, when you two get married-"

"Shove off." Dean pushed me off of him, chuckling slightly. 

"What about you then? Getting married anytime soon?" Shay asked me, his hands on his hips.

"I dunno. Will see when Rem's ready I suppose." I shrugged.

"He's not ready yet? Isn't he like, fifty?"

"He's thirty-seven you maggot."

"I'm only asking." Shay raised his hands. 

"Anyways, yes. Because of....because he's a... you know. So he's just worried is all." I sighed. "It bloody makes sense too that's the worst part."

"Ah, well if you do get married I better be-"

"Flower girl." I said. "I'll make ye the flower girl."

"Bitch. What about best man!" 

"Best man isn't my choice." I scoffed. "It's Remus' choice and...." my gaze dropped to the ground. "He would have chosen Sirius if he was still around."

Shay squeezed my hand and I gave him a tight lipped smile. 

"I'd better go back. I'm a bit puckered out." I said.  I kissed Shay on the cheek. "I'm happy for you Shay."

Shay blushed and smiled. "I wish I had listened to you earlier.'

"Ah, don't bother. These things take time." I said.

I turned to Dean. "Oh come here you." I pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek too. "See you boys."  I waved to them as I went to find Remus, who was talking with Tonks, Ollie, Bill and Fleur.

"So many weddings theez summer." Fleur clapped her hands. "What about you two?" she turned to Remus and I.

Remus and I glanced at each other. 

"We're waiting on that for a bit." I said, giving her a small smile.

"Ah, well get on it soon, yes?" Fleur gave a little giggle.

"Oh my Merlin." I muttered, when she flounced away with Bill. "I love her to bits but my gosh, she is such a hopeless romantic."

"Mmm." Remus was looking nervous and fidgety. 

"Are you alright Remus?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"What? Oh yes, I'm fine." Remus said, awkwardly, turning a bit red.

"Are you sick? You're all red darling." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at his red face.

"Yeah Remus, you're looking a bit strange." said Ollie.

"Yes yes I'm fine." Remus said.

"Well well, Sara Finnigan."

I turned around to see Umbridge. "Yes?" I bristled.

She glanced at my hand that was still on Remus' arm. "You two are close."

I narrowed my eyes and grabbed Remus' hand. "Yes. And what about it?"

Umbridge glanced at all the people around and hesitated. "Oh nothing. Have a lovely day now all of you." she simpered.

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath. "Maybe we should just go home Remmy."

"Yes, in fact, I actually am feeling a bit under the weather." Remus said, wiping his forehead with the ack of his hand. 

"Alright, come on then." I said. "By Tonks, Ollie. Send the details to the wedding soon won't you?"

"Of course." Tonks hugged me and patted Remus on the shoulder. "Er, feeling better Remus."

"Yeah, don't get too sick now, can't have my best man sick now, can I?" Ollie grinned, before he ruffled my hair.

Remus and I walked down to Hogsmeade before Apparating to our cottage. Right away, Remus bolted to the bathroom. I knocked on the door timidly. "Remus? Are you sure everything is alright?"

"I'm fine!" he called out to me. 

Remus wouldn't come down for dinner and I ate by myself, feeling a bit annoyed but also worried. Remus was acting a bit strange but he didn't exactly look sick. I was assuming he might have just gotten a bit too overwhelmed at Dumbledore's funeral. I mean, Remus has gone through so many losses in his life... all those stories he tells me of his mother, and friends, and then Sirius and now Dumbledore.  I sighed and rubbed my temples. 

After I ate dinner, I put the leftovers in the fridge in case Remus were to get hungry later. When I went upstairs for bed, I found Remus already in bed. I pursed my lips and changed, climbing under the covers next to him. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Sara, I love you." he said, his voice strained. 

"I love you too Remmy." I said softly.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and shook my head slightly. Hopefully a good nights sleep would get him to refresh a bit. I rolled over and pressed my back against his, closing my eyes. I was nearly asleep, when I heard Remus moving about. I was too tired to open my eyes, until I felt him shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes to see him kneeling in front of me on the ground. "What the hell Remus? What's wrong?"

"Sara." he rasped.

"Remus?" I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. "What's going on Remus? Are you alright? Merlin, you're acting awfully strange today."



Remus pulled out a box and my breath hitched. "Sara I- I know this is the worst possible way to do this. I wanted to do it earlier out in the garden but I got so nervous I was about to throw- nevermind. What I want to really say is...Sara. You make me so incredibly happy. I just- I don't even know how to put it in words. When I see you my world lights up. After my full moons, all I want is to go to sleep and never wake up, but then I think of you and I think, I have a reason to keep living now. Sara Finnigan, will you marry me?"

My mouth dropped open, tears forming in my eyes. "Oh Remus. Yes. Yes I will marry you."
I reached over and kissed him softly. "Remus, you have made these past few years incredible. My poor friends have to hear me talk about you all the time because I can never get you on my mind. You make my heart whole. You put my mind at ease and- I just cannot imagine a life without you Remus Lupin. Of course I will marry you." I laughed slightly. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. In my opinion, the best way to propose is by wearing a sweater over pajama bottoms while your girlfriend was half asleep."

Remus laughed, putting the ring on my finger and kissing me again. 

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