Chapter 5: It's a date

Start from the beginning

"hey, hey, that's not true. he must've been hurt, i'm sure he didn't mean it, you've changed a lot, and for good. i've seen that."

jungkook smiles a little, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. "i don't even know now... i just..."

"hey, it's okay." he squeezes jungkook's hand reassuringly. "think about it and don't be irrational. yoongi loves you to pieces and you love him too. just think about it for now, if you think... if you really think you'll want that then...," the pained expression says what jimin really thinks about all this, but he continues. "but just, think about it well, okay?"

jungkook sighs but nods and smiles sincerely to his friend. "thanks, jimin. for some reason, you're always there when i'm in some kind of crisis, just like the first time when i met yoongi" a soft chuckle escapes his lips.

jimin chuckles too and squeezes his friend's hand one last time before letting it go. "hey, you know i love your complicated ass too, and if you need me i'll be there for you. also, you make the best fried rice, so it's worth it"

jungkook snorts, rolling his eyes, "glad you appreciate it, cuz now that i made you lunch, you'll have to clean the kitchen"

jimin opens his mouth and squints his eyes "i knew you couldn't be nice to me for no reason, your true intentions finally arise."

jungkook snorts again and pushes jimin's plate closer to him, exclaiming a breathy eat your rice between laughter.

jimin picks the fork again, but his expression stays jokingly offended. on the inside, though, he's just really happy jungkook is okay.


"these are really good, jimin," seokjin tells him, setting the sketches the boy has been working on the whole week. the younger smiles and thanks him sincerely.

"for some reason, i've been really at my game this week. my mind has been creating the sketches so easily and i just have to get them down on paper. this has never happened before," jimin explains, his giddiness contagious making seokjin smile too.

"i'm glad to hear that. i was actually worried the workshop was going to take more of your time than intended, but you're managing really well," the young teacher compliments.

jimin chuckles and shakes his head. "it's been hard, but i'm actually getting better at it because of someone i met there." seokjin quirks a brow with a smirk. jimin snorts and continues. "it's not like that. he's the teacher's assistant, but we've hung out some time and he's pretty cool and easy to talk to." he bits his lips and comes a little closer to his friend, seokjin notices and leans closer to listen. "i've been thinking on.. maybe inviting him to hang out off of school, like... in... a date, maybe? i don't know, i don't want to cross the line. he hasn't found his soulmate yet but, i mean, is someone out there so.., ugh, what should i do? he's really cute," he finishes, letting his head fall on the table.

seokjin looks around at the other students and chuckles, lifting jimin from the table. "i don't think there's anything wrong with going out. i've dated a couple of people, and i know it can be weird with all the soulmate thing, but look at it this way, if the thing doesn't work out or one of the two finds their soulmate, there's nothing to lose, cuz we all meet our meant one someday, and instead of losing someone, you get to meet some great people and create good memories."

jimin considers his friend's words, it reminds him of his and taehyung's time at the park, the laughter and the comfortable talk, and how much he would like to keep creating those types of moments, even if they were temporary.

* * *

jimin was alone while doing the assignment this time. he got to say hello to taehyung before the class started. this time they are learning about the thirds rule and more about composition, but then taehyung had to go help other students, and as much as jimin wanted the boy to stay with him during the whole class, he couldn't make taehyung neglect his duties as an assistant. so, there he is, trying to find a scenery with the elements he needs to complete the work, feeling silly at how he can't shake his disappointment off.

after talking to seokjin, he decided to invite taehyung for some coffee at a place nearby and even offer to give him a ride to his dorm in jungkook's car to not bother the professor. but as he hasn't had the chance to even talk to him, he feels as if his time is running out and the opportunity might not come.

once he takes the pictures he needs, he comes into the room only to find taehyung still reviewing other people's pictures. he gets to steal some glances at jimin, though, he's able to catch the apology taehyung is sending his way with his concerned eyes, so jimin forces a smile and shakes his head, gesturing him not to worry and that he is okay.

when the class is over, jimin finally finds a chance to talk to the boy, but when he gets closer, taehyung is hurriedly packing his stuff. he arrives at his side as taehyung tells professor choi that he needs to go somewhere else, so he won't be needing the ride back.

jimin bumps the taller with his shoulder teasingly and smiles softly. "oh, hello there, didn't even know you were here," he smirks and taehyung returns the gesture.

"sorry, class was really busy today, guess the topic was kinda confusing," he comments as he shoulders his bag.

jimin picks the movement. "got somewhere to be?"

taehyung grimaces in apology. "yeah, actually. i'm meeting some classmates for a project presentation we need to get done for tomorrow."

"ah," jimin manages, trying not to let his disappointment slip in his tone, at least not too much. "well, that's a bummer. i was going to ask if you wanted to grab a coffee after the workshop. but if you have something to do then it's okay," he brushes it off, a little forced smile on his face, still trying to mask his disappointment and nerves.

when he looks up at taehyung, the boy looks even more disappointed than him, so he smiles a little brighter and assures him they can raincheck any other day he's free.

taehyung actually pouts. he hesitates for a moment, deep in some thought, tapping with his foot in what seems to be an anxious habit, and finally talks. "i'm actually helping some friends with the planning of an event. it's a photo exhibition tomorrow at noon, i have to be there to make sure everything is settled... would you like to come and make me company?" he shyly asks, hand reaching nervously to scratch his nape.

jimin can feel his heart beating fast in his chest, and without hesitation exclaims "i would love to, tae!".

taehyung lets out a soft sigh that goes unnoticed by jimin, who is lost in his own excitement. the brunette smiles brightly then, a more confident stance to his figure, "i'll text you all the details when i'm done with today's meeting, alright?" jimin just nods and smiles even wider.

taehyung returns the gesture, he places a hand on jimin's shoulder, they must be lost in their own feelings as they don't think much of the intense glare they're sharing. after a moment, taehyung clears his throat when he realizes he's going to be late if he doesn't hurry, so with a final see you tomorrow and a bright smile, he waves goodbye and jogs out of the classroom.

jimin follows him with his eyes as he goes, with not enough willpower to erase the wide smile plastered on his face. when he gets his eyes to leave the door and turns around, he finds professor choi looking at him, then at the door, and again at the boy with a subtle smirk and a knowing look. jimin blushes lightly, he mumbles a thanks for the class and quickly exits the room. 

***author's note: Is that progress I'm finally reading?? hehe, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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