Chapter 10

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The next morning Kazuha awoke to a knock at the door, then the sounds of footsteps ascending the stairs. After hearing rustling in the kitchen, Xingqiu burst through his bedroom door and stood over the two in bed. "Good morning, wake up!" he said excitedly before jumping in bed on the other side of Scara.

"I don't think we can all fit in here, Xingqiu." Scara said, as he turned to look at the excited man. 

Kazuha groaned, rolling over to examine Xingqiu's expression. "What happened?" he asked, seeing the joy that spread across his face.

"I met someone." He started to explain, rolling over to his stomach putting his hands beneath his chin. He swung his feet in the air, in a state of bliss.

"What's his name?" Kazuha asked, rolling over to put his head on Scara's chest. 

Xingqiu let out an excited squeal, not being able to hold on to his excitement any longer. "Venti! I met him last night at the party, and I'm in love." His cheeks turned bright pink, as his feet started to swing faster.

"Venti? Is he a coffee?" Scara laughed, tucking his arm underneath Kazuha. He kissed his forehead, finally greeting him good morning.

Haru jumped on the bed and made himself comfortable on Xingqiu's back.

"He is perfect, not a coffee." Xingqiu started, scooting closer to Scara. "I've never met someone that can match my energy before."

Kazuha laughed, moving his hand from Scara's chest to Xingqiu's head. He ruffled his hair, giving him a warm smile. "I'm really happy for you. When are you going to invite him to the bar for us to meet?" 

"I was going to bring him over here this morning, but I wasn't sure how you and Scara would have felt about that." 

Scara shook his head, "Neither one of us would have cared." 

Kazuha agreed, "Bring him by tonight? Scara, are you going to be there tonight? What the fuck do you even do for work?"

Scara laughed and shook his head. "I'm a therapist." He answered, watching as the two had a shocked look on their faces.

"I know someone that needs a therapist." Xingqiu smirked, pointing his eyes at Kazuha.

"Shut the fuck up." Kazuha put his hand over Xingqiu's face pushing him away. "Do you enjoy your job?" he asked Scara, looking up into his tired eyes.

"It's taxing sometimes, and other times its rewarding. It all depends on how you look at it."

"Is that why you spend your nights clearing your mind at the bar?" Xingqiu asked curiously, sitting up in the bed.

"I did originally, yes. I started coming to the bar, I would enjoy having my own dark corner to drown out my own sorrows in. Then I realized that I kept coming back because of this bartender that I had set my sights on." He admitted, sitting up and climbing out of the bed to use the bathroom.

While he was away, Xingqiu tapped Kazuha's shoulder. With a wide grin plastered on his face, he leaned closer. "I really, like him for you Kazuha." 

"I do too." Kazuha gave him a genuine smile, and a reassuring nod. "Do you think you finally found someone that isn't going to hurt you?" He asked the tough question, knowing Xingqiu's rocky past with Chongyun.

"I think so. It's a little too soon to tell, but I have high hopes. He reminded me of a character from one of my books." 

"A good character from one of your books, or a questionable one? I'm sorry, I must ask. Some of the books you read, I don't exactly agree with the love interests."

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