Chapter 7

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After reading through the last of Fallen Leaves, Scara finally closed the book and set it to the side. Kazuha had drifted to sleep hours ago, but Scara couldn't help but binge the rest of the book. He peered down at Kazuha's exposed hand on his chest, wondering what happened to him, to leave his hand so scarred. "Kazuha?" he whispered into his pure white hair.

"Hmm?" Kazuha answered groggily.

Scara let his fingers lace between Kazuha's, feeling as if an ember lived within his hand. "What happened?" he asked, letting his fingers trace the deep scar marks like lined Kazuha's fingertips.

Kazuha tried to slip his hand away, before Scara clasped his fingers tight around his hand. "It's not pleasing to look at, I know." He said with closed eyes, giving in to Scara's death grip.

"Is that why you always have it bandaged? Because you don't like to look at it?"

Kazuha shrugged against Scara, letting out a small sigh. "It's not that I think it's repulsive, although I know it isn't exactly my best feature."

He sat up and pulled his legs against his chest, resting his back against the pillows he propped up. "I don't like the constant reminder." he finally admitted, before turning his attention to Scara.

The look on his face wasn't repulsed or confused. It was almost as if he carried his own scars and knew exactly what he meant.

"I see." Scara smiled as he scooted off the end of the bed, heading towards the bookshelf. He returned the book to the shelf he had found it on, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Kazuha rested his head on his knees, his mind drifting away into a distant memory.

A few minutes had passed, and the bathroom door finally opened. Scara sat down on the bed in front of Kazuha, laying out a few things between them.

Kazuha shook himself from his memories, looking down at the items Scara had placed, then up into those dark stormy eyes.

Scara tilted his head then smiled, holding his hand out.

Kazuha placed his scarred hand on Scara's palm, and he began to lightly trace every inch of his hand. "Will you tell me, what happened?" he asked quietly, as he began to wrap his hand with the supplies he brought from the bathroom.

Kazuha sighed and closed his eyes, thinking for a moment. "You are going to keep asking, even if I say no; aren't you?" Kazuha grinned for a second before shaking his head. He looked into Scara's curious eyes, the blue hues glimmering with purple specs.


Kazuha let his head fall in defeat for a moment, before he thought of where to begin. "I wasn't always alone." Kazuha started, feeling Scara's hands start to wrap his fingers slowly. "I moved away for a while and met Tomo." he took in a shaky breath, letting it out slowly. "We fell in love, faster than I've ever fallen before."

Scara finished wrapping Kazuha's fingers and finally kissed his bandaged hand before letting it go.

"I'll spare you. Long story short; He died in a fire. I tried to save him, but I was too late." Kazuha looked down at his bandaged hand and flexed his fingers out before gripping them back into a fist.

Kazuha looked up with a sad smile on his face, reaching out for Scara's hand. "Fallen Leaves reminds me of my story with Tomo."

Scara nodded, understanding what probably happened better now that he had read the book. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it held such a heavy meaning." Scara admitted, tugging Kazuha's hand to pull him closer. He reached up and wrapped his fingers around the back of Kazuha's neck, before kissing him on the cheek softly. "I happened to like love stories." he whispered, before pulling away.

Kazuha leaned back on his pillow, lacing his fingers behind his head. "When are you going to share with me, mysterious stranger?" he asked, giving Scara a curious side-eyed glance.

Scara smirked and stood up, giving Kazuha's foot a small slap. "Someday, but not today." He let a small facetious laugh before he paused in the door frame. "I'll see you tomorrow night at the bar?"

Kazuha nodded, taking one last look at Scara before he slipped out of his room, his footsteps fading away as he climbed down the stairs.

Haru cuddled into Kazuha's chest as he looked at his neatly wrapped hand, a smile on his face.  

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