Chapter 6: A surprise visit...

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Nagisa looks a bit annoyed by Kokoro's presence as her mom introduces her to the children.

"Yes, she's a very nice girl," her mom says, giving Nagisa a small smile.

Kokoro can't help but notice that there's something... off about Nagisa's look.

She looks.... bothered. Annoyed.

Kokoro's eyes narrow slightly, as she watches Nagisa closely.

The parents went into the backyard to talk away, leaving the three children alone... Nagisa frowns, crossing her arms as she glares at Kokoro, before smiling at Hajime.

"Tsuruya, let's go act out a play! C'mon, let's leave this pig alone!"

She says, smiling as she dragged him away, only for Hajime to escape her grasp on his hand.

"N--No, Nagisa, we gotta invite Kokoro! Besides, this is her home!"

He exclaimed, a bit scared.

"Invite her?! Don't be silly!"

Nagisa scoffs, giving Kokoro a side eye.

Kokoro watches as Nagisa tries to drag Hajime away, and Hajime does his best to stand up to her.

But... something about her tone bothers her. Why is Nagisa trying to leave? Why is she calling her a... a pig?

"What... what did I do?" Kokoro asks, her eyes narrowed slightly as she tries to understand Nagisa's actions.

She feels like... Nagisa... has a problem with her, for some reason. But why?

"Nagisa, if Kokoro can't come, then I'm not going either!"

Hajime says sternly,  frowning slightly, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Wh--Whaaat?! Hajime, you can't just say no.. You really can't!"

Nagisa exclaims, shaking her head all frantic.

Kokoro can feel the tension building in the air.

She can hear the strain in Nagisa's voice as she tries to get Hajime to leave. She can see the irritation in Hajime's eyes as he stands up to her.

Why does Nagisa... dislike Kokoro so much?


Kokoro says, her tone even and flat,

"We're all gonna hang out together."

Suddenly, her words cut through the air like a knife.

"Deal with it."


Nagisa yelps, taken aback by Kokoro's words, she takes a few steps back, until she huffs, and nods.

"Well then, fine! ONLY if you perform to your very best, you snobby cow!"

She lets out a snort and laughs a bit.

Kokoro's jaw drops as she hears Nagisa's words.

"S... snobby cow."

For a moment, Kokoro is speechless.

She glances over at Hajime, who is just as surprised as she is.

"What... what did she just call me?"

She looks back over at Nagisa, her eyes narrowed.

"Alright then, let's go! Haha, hey, c'mon!"

Exclaims Nagisa, going upstairs in a blink of an eye, totally disregarding Kokoro's glare.

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