11. Just Like You

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Luna stares at Alex, making him start to get nervous, but he grabs her and starts to bring her down. As soon as he lifts Luna up though, she hisses at him and starts scratching him, climbing onto his head and scratching him. "No no... aah!" Alex exclaims as he flies down as Luna attacks him.

Once Alex lands on the ground, Luna leaves Alex alone, and jumps into Julia's arms, and starts licking her hand and purr. Julia gasps, relieved to see Luna is fine. "Luna, I'm so glad you're ok!" she says, happily carrying her cat. She then looks over at Alex, and sees him all scratched, with messy hair. "Oh my... I'm really sorry she did that to you Alex," she tells him. "she really doesn't like strangers."

Alex chuckles a bit, trying to fix his hair with his hands. "Don't worry about it... I've had this happen to me before." he tells her. "At least she's safe now." Alex adds.

Julia nods, smiling at him. "Thank you Alex, for saving her. You're so sweet." she tells him, relieved that Luna is safe.

Alex blushes again, laughing nervously. "Aw... it's not a problem, really! Whenever you need me, I'll do my best!" he adds, clearly really happy about that compliment he just got from Julia.

Tommy smiles as well, and runs over to Alex. "You're a great hero!" he tells Alex. "But doesn't that hurt?"

Alex looks back at him, and smiles, giving him a thumbs up. "A bit... but that's alright." he says, before looking at Julia. "She... she said I'm sweet..." he adds, his pupils turning into hearts for a bit.

Tommy looks back at Julia, then at Alex again, starting to realize what's going on. He just smiles, glad to see Alex happy, and just admiring how heroic his friend is.

However, soon Lily appears from behind some bushes, coming out with her notebook and her camera. "Sweet! I was just on time to watch you do a heroic deed again!" she exclaims, startling Alex as she essentially came out of nowhere.

"Where'd you come from!?" Alex asks her.

Lily just smiles. "I saw you doing something heroic, so of course I had to write a report on it for the Peachwood High News!" she adds, with the same excited smile.

Alex just looks at her. "How are you always at the right place though? Are you spying on me or something?" he asks her, raising an eyebrow.

Lily lets out a nervous giggle. "What? Of course not!" she replies, giggling a bit more. "I'm just that good a journalist. I can sense where the action is going to be! And well, you're the one that has the most exciting stories!" she tells him.

Alex rolls his eyes a bit. "If you say so..." he replies, a bit concerned about the fact that she might very well be constantly spying on him, but he'd deal with that later. For now he just smiles as Lily comes over to ask him questions and write for the school newspaper.

Julia smiles, seeing Alex enjoy the attention. "Well, I think I'll go back home with Luna now, so you can enjoy your interview, Mr. Hero." she teases playfully, winking as she leaves with her cat.

Alex blushes a bit, and waves good-bye at her. "O-Okay! I'll see you later then!" he replies.

Tommy stays to watch the interview. After a few questions, Alex decides he should go now. "I think that's enough for now. I have to get going now. But I'll see you two later!" he says to Lily and Tommy, before flying away.

Lily smiles wide, waving good-bye at Alex. Once he leaves, she giggles a bit. "The Peachwood High News have never been so popular before he got powers! Everyone loves reading about Blast!" she exclaims.

Tommy smiles, realizing how much everyone loves Alex. "He's really cool." he replies.

Lily smiles again. "Of course he is! No wonder everyone can't get enough from his stories." she tells Tommy.

Blast: The Teenage HeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz