The light suddenly shot out in front of itself and I watched it get farther into the Forrest. It's essence illuminating every little piece of forestry it passed by.

I chased after the little ball of light determined to figure out what it wants to show me.

I kept up a pretty good pace with it and eventually it stopped again. The place was pitch black apart from the wisp giving off its power wherever it wavered.

Suddenly there were six wisps that surrounded me in a perfect circle. They danced in this circle that surrounded me but never breaking shape. My head turned in all different directions just watching them all.

I could hear there little voices they almost sounded like children. I reached my hand out and touched whatever one would pass by as they manoeuvred around me. They felt soft like a feather or fur.

My energy was calm. I felt happy. More happy than I had in a long long time. I smiled a toothy smile.

One wisp broke out of the circle and slowly flew towards a very tall willow tree that had leaves hanging low from its branches. It was beautiful. The wisps all followed the one that left the circle to go to the willow tree.

All perfectly in line as they went and again I followed behind them all wanting to see what it was they had to show me.

I pushed by the vines of the willow to get to the base of the tree where the willows were once again lined up in a circle only they were surrounding something.

It was a big pile of dark red fur so dark it looked almost black with the lack of daylight. My eyes look at it in confusion and I tilt my head.

We've never had any rogue wolves on Clementine Valley before. As big as the area is we have never come across lone wolves.

This wolf wasn't evil I could feel it in my soul and for whatever reason. I trust the wisps.

The wolf lay in a big ball so I couldn't see his head nor tail which was tucked away underneath him. It was like a fluffy bean bag.

It was a male, I could smell it. His testosterone scent was strong. He must be somewhat powerful or a high ranking wolf.

I crouch down low very slowly and reach my hand out to the wolf. I let my palm hover over the ball of fur and that's when I felt a scorching heat hit me.

I lay my hand flat on the male and very patiently waited for a rise to check for him breathing. It was a small raise. His breathing was shallow. He's probably got an infection which explains the fever and respiratory issues. I'm no doctor though so I don't know.

I stand up and place my hands on my hips. This was one large wolf, how I was going to carry him I don't know. I look to the will-o'-the-wisps.

There was more of them gathered around both me and the stranger male. Telepathically -not wanting to startle the male or put myself in harms way- I politely ask the wisps to give me the strength to carry this overly large male. He looked like he could weigh two hundred and fifty pounds easy.

Most wolves range from between a hundred and twenty five to a hundred and fifty, just depends on how tall you are and how ripped you are. Or if you're fat which is rare because most wolves keep themselves fit and healthy.

I huff and once again lean down to try to lift this male into my arms. If I can't then he will be getting dragged by his tail. It would be easier if I had brought Buckley. I palm my forehead in annoyance. Stupid. Stupid.

Without any warning or indication the wisps tightly knitted around the hairy red creature and raised his body from the ground. I fall back on my ass as I move out of the way and the wolf floats over me.

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