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It was the first time nick had ever fed so he was not ready for the overpowering sensation. It was like he was starving and had just been given a delicious bowel of tomato soup, he buried his face in it and drank and much as possible. Not even thinking about stopping or slowing down or eating daintily. He forgot about everything else except how good it felt.

Nick didn't know how long he had been guzzling blood for but he suddenly snapped out of it, yanking his fangs out. He found Charlie had collapsed into his arms unconscious.

"Charlie!" Nick tried to wake him. Shaking Charlie gently, but Charlie didn't open his eyes, he was still breathing but it was shallow. "I need to get him to a hospital!"

"There's a ward set up over there." Harry waved dismissively. Nick scooped Charlie up and carried him in the direction harry had gestured.

Nick found a room full of hospital beds and blood bags, several thralls in white coats attending to them. Nick put Charlie down on one of the beds and a thrall quickly attached an IV.

"Is is going to be ok?"

"Its just minor blood loss sire." The thrall answered after taking Charlies pulse and blood pressure. "If you wish to keep it alive I would advise not feeding on it for several days."

The thrall expected nick to leave but said nothing when nick took a seat by Charlies bed and held his hand.

Charlie came too in less than an hour but was pail and dizzy. A thrall gave him a protein powder smoothie thing that had been developed to help replace blood.

"I'm so sorry." Nick said to him over and over, his voice barely a whisper so the thralls didn't hear. He wanted to keep Charlie in the ward but Charlie just wanted to go home. So nick carried a sleepy Charlie wrapped in a blanket back to their apartment.

Nick didn't sleep a second that night, he spent the whole time listening to Charlies heartbeat while waves of guilt washed over him. He was disgusted with himself and got nauseous several times. But his body refused to vomit up the blood.

Heartstopper vampireWhere stories live. Discover now