Face to Face with the Enemy

Comenzar desde el principio

Stella: What like I said earlier when I’m not joking I seriously think of Bloom and my mind starts thinking about how we might not see her again. So don’t blame me Tecna for joking around its not like I meant it.

Tecna: Given the present situation: Your jokes are really not appropriate, Stella. You ought to know that.

Stella: Hey, who's joking?

Stella: My question exactly.

Layla: Watch out!

A swarm of bats fly at the ship, and they blast them with the ship's cannons.*

Brandon: Gotcha!

Stella: Nicely done, Brandon!

Flora: What about all those?

More bats fly past.*

Scene: Darkar's Fortress, Under Realm

Darkar: Dark Bloom, the time has come to activate the Codex. To open the passageway 

leading to the Ultimate Power of the Relix…

Griffin: I hope you girls manage to stop him before he successfully unlocks the ultimate power of the Codex.

Saladin: I just hope that Darkar doesn’t do anything to Bloom before they manage to rescue her that would be terrible.

Icy arrives.*

Icy: I hate to hail on your parade oh dark and mighty one, but we have a small matter to attend to first.

Stormy: The Winx have managed to get into the cavern along with those pesky Specialists.

Darcy: And they've brought along with some shiny toys with lots of firepower.

Darkar: A petty annoyance. You deal with it!

Icy: That's it? You just want us to go out there and take 'em all on?

Darkar: Gather my army. Grant them your powers and let them do the fighting. Come, let's go and get what we need for the ritual.

Darkar leads Dark Bloom away.*

We are the Winx!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora