The Witches Downfall

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Narrator: In Roccaluce, Bloom finds Daphne and she also sees the faces of her beloved family from her past. She realizes that she still has the power inside her, but she must believe in it in order to release it! In Magix, Sky is almost defeated but Bloom manages to save him. The Dark Army is already marching towards Alfea. This is the final battle.

Faragonda: Alright this is our last chance to defeat the Trix.

Griffin: I agree, and I also like that we are getting an advantage over them by being able to watch what is going on before it actually happens.

Griselda: You have an amazing point Headmistress Griffin.

Saladin: We can’t let this opportunity go to waste so I think that we must be focused on what is going on in the video.

Codatorta: I agree this way we can find out the weaknesses of these monsters and the key to putting an end to them for good.

Scene: Alfea

The lightning strikes and thunder rumbles then pans down to Alfea. Everyone getting ready.

Pepe and Kiko whimpering.*

Faragonda: All right, this is it. Hold your positions everyone, the stakes have never been higher.

The dark army coming towards Alfea.*

Icy: Alfea. Attack!

Faragonda and Griffin: Protecta Litar!

Stormy: Do they really think that their silly barrier can stop us?

Stella: Uh...

Musa: Oh no. You got it coming you evil witches.

Stormy: Ahhh. What's this? Get them.

Stella: We won't be able to hold them for long. What's going to happen to us?

Icy: Huh?

Bloom appears. The fairies cheer

Stella: Yay Bloom!!!

Musa: It looks like her and Sky made it to Alfea afterall

Tecna: If they successfully made it to Alfea then why did that previous video make it seem like something bad happened to them.

Flora: I have no idea Tecna but maybe we will figure everything out in a little while.

Timmy: Maybe we’re all looking too much into this situation.

Riven: Timmy’s right lets all calm down for now Ok.

Tecna: Alright!

Brandon: Hey Sky, it sure is good to see you again.

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