The beginning/The Ultimate Challenge

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Faragonda: We might've won this battle, but I'm afraid the next attack will be much more violent.

Saladin: And we still haven't heard anything from the kids at Cloud Tower.

Codatorta: I can't believe this is happening. What will become of Magix?

Faragonda: Now is not the time to ask these kinds of questions. Let's focus on the task at hand. We must find a way to respond more quickly and efficiently to their assaults.

Codatorta: We cannot lose this war. It would be tragic.

Flora: Miss Faragonda! Miss Faragonda! We've detected a temporal distortion!

Musa: Over there, right next to the well!

Faragonda: Oh, thank goodness, the kids are back.

Griffin and company arrive*

Faragonda: And Griffin and her students are with them. This is very good news. Welcome to Alfea, Griffin. I see that your students have followed you.

Griffin: Yes, but it is thanks to your students that we were able to escape from the clutches of those three power-crazed witches.

Faragonda: Well, you're here now. You can fill me in on the details later. Meanwhile, we'll do all we can to help you.

Griffin: Seems to me that you're also in need of help.

Faragonda: Yes, and it seems to me that I've just found the person who can help us.

Voice: Look, everyone. They're back!

Specialist #1: Hey, Brandon! Good to see ya!

Flora: Where's Bloom?

Musa: What happened to her?

Stella: We don't know what happened to her or Sky. The last time we saw them was at Cloud Tower. They were trying to hold the monsters at bay so we could all get away.

*A flash of light appears*

Saladin: What was that?

Codatorta: Could it be the beginning of an attack?

Griffin: I doubt it … There is something very familiar about this magic that I can’t seem to put my finger on.

Faragonda: Yes I noticed that as well Griffin do you think this could’ve been the work of Starlight?

Griffin: Yes, this seems a lot like Starlight’s magical touch…

Stella: I don’t understand… Headmistress Faragonda who is StarLight?

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