Darkar's Prisoner

Start from the beginning


Musa: I’m assuming the rest of them are pixies as well right?


StarLight: Yes, Digit is Tecna’s bonded Pixie and she is also the Pixie of Nanotechnology. Then, we have Amore Stella’s bonded Pixie… She is the Pixie of Love. Piff is the Pixie of Dreams and she is Princess Layla’s bonded Pixie. Tune is the Pixie of Etiquette and Musa’s bonded Pixie. And finally we have Chatta the Pixie of Gossip and Flora’s bonded Pixie.


Griselda: What are the Pixies doing at Alfea?


StarLight: The bonded Pixies of the Winx Club along with Livy the Pixie of Messages started living at Alfea with the rest of the Fairies after a villain named Darkar started looking for their village in search of their piece of the Codex.


Stella: The Codex??? What’s that?


Faragonda: Don’t worry about that right now Stella…


Amore: Your love is so beautiful! I'm coming with you.


Stella: Amore, you can't!


Amore: Sorry Stella, we all love Bloom and Lockette.


Piff: Patoota!


Chatta: Whatever Piff says goes double for me. What did you say again?


Tune: I haven't the faintest idea!


Tecna: Digit, reason with them; if pixies come with us, chances are they'll never return.


Digit: Maybe so, but looking at my numbers neither will the Winx nor the Specialists. So then, what's the big deal?

Griselda: You girls better be careful…


Tecna: I don’t think the odds are exactly in our favor but we have to rescue Bloom at all costs so I just hope our on screen counterparts know what they’re doing.


StarLight: Oh trust me your future counterparts have faced Darkar’s evil Shadow beast many times along with the power that The Trix gained from him after they teamed up.


Musa: Of course the Trix are somehow involved with this creepy guy.

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