"I don't care what you guys are doing do whatever you want I'll owe you an explanation when you really do care and worry for me but for now I'll focus on myself I'll look after myself and when you're done saving your brothers girlfriend then we can talk"

Aurora will forever throw at Damon's face the fact that Elena was Stefan's girlfriend. She thought that maybe if she kept doing it he would realize how pathetic he was to be in love with her.

Damon liked to tell himself it wasn't Elena he was doing this for it was to save aurora for falling for Elijah but that was even more cruel he didn't realize Elijah was the one that helped aurora the most get out of what she was going through but he just couldn't live with that he wanted all the credit.

"The things you ordered are downstairs I'll bring them up in a minute" Damon walked out the room not wanting to continue the argument maybe because what Aurora said actually got to him but he had screwed it into his brain that he was doing this for her.

When he got downstairs he immediately opened the door for Elena who had brought the rest of the crew to talk over the plan they had.

"I need help with these boxes I have to take them upstairs then we can talk outside I don't want her to hear" Damon told them he figured aurora wouldn't listen in anyways she hadn't so far because she wanted nothing to do with anything they were doing but this time she made sure to listen in especially now that she heard that he didn't want her to listen.

Jeremy, Stefan and Alaric quickly went to help bring all the boxes up to Aurora's room. She didn't share words with any of them she just kept Luna close since she knew the cat could act up around people she didn't know

"I'm going to step out if you need anything call me" Damon said after having brought all her things then left knowing he wasn't going to get a response.

Aurora waited until Damon and everyone else stepped out the house then she got up from her bed getting closer to the window wanting to hear what was actually going on.

After Elena met with Esther the night before she had found out that she was planning to link all her children to kill them. They saw this as a great opportunity to catch any of them and kill them.

"So the spell is done right?" Damon questioned Elena.

"She did it as of last night, all of them are linked" Elena replied.

"Okay we get one shot at this since we only got one dagger now we have to come up with a plan to get them out" Stefan added and Damon immediately looked over to Caroline.

"Guessing you can do a little something plus it would work as a great distraction tonight we're not focused on klaus since he can't get daggered but we do need him out the way" Caroline didn't seem convinced with what Damon was suggesting but once she turned to Elena seeing her pleading face she couldn't say no.

"Ok fine I'll see what I can do" Caroline finally gave in.

"Ok then it's settled...."

"What about Rory? We need to make sure she stays out of this she can ruin it" Stefan turned to Damon who just seemed unbothered.

"She'll be fine she's preoccupied I doubt she'll actually leave if she doesn't know a thing about this so let's just all act normal go home and we'll all meet up by the grill later okay"

Aurora just rolled her eyes from upstairs and walked back to her bed. She was upset about everything that was going on. She hated that they were doing this. They always acted so entitled to do the things they did.

But now she knew what was going on and she was scared about the safety of Elijah she had to do something but she felt powerless the best she could do was tell him but she had to do it without her father knowing so she was going to play along.

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now