Chapter Five

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I was once again woken up by and annoying noise, which was my alarm clock.

I sighed rolling over to turn it off. My phone showed notifications from Millie, Mom and Rose.

Mom's read "Hope you're having fun! Love and miss you!"

Millies said "Any hot boys? ;)"

And finally Rose's "Hey you! I'm having a get together at a pub this Friday and you're invited."

I took the time to respond to each of them. I texted my mom back that I love and miss her too, I told Millie I haven't been out to explore by my self yet but the English accent was hot, and then to Rose I texted back asking for the day, time, and place.

There was light knock at the door.

"Come in."

"Hey Kristen, I just thought I'd see if you were up yet. You should start getting ready and we'll grab breakfast on the go."

"What do you do again dad?" I mean it had to be something high up, considering the expensive stuff he had.

"I'm head of an security company, that makes cameras and alarms. And in the UK we have paid security guards for special events."

"Oh that's cool! You probably see famous people alot."

He nodded "Sometimes, now go get ready."

I was looking at myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognize the girl in front of me. I looked amazing in the outfit I chose yesterday, my hair was lightly curled and I had light make up on my eyes making them pop. After checking my self out for a few minutes I headed down stairs.

My dad was waiting for me, "Wow. You look awesome!"

"You think so?"

He nodded, "Yup. Let's head out and grab food."

We ended up walking to a nearby Starbucks where my dad ordered us two breakfast sandwiches, and I ordered my go to drink which was a grande, iced, carmel macchiato with extra carmel drizzle.

This drink tasted like heaven and gave me the kick I needed.

We were standing outside of the Starbucks waiting for dad's driver.

A sleek looking black Adui pulled up, and a man instantly got out of the car and opened the door up for me.

I politely got in and thanked the man.

Everything my dad owned was so classic and fancy. The car was so clean and precisely what I expected it to be on the inside.

After what felt like a 10 minute drive, my door was opened up by our driver. Which I grew to knew his name as Henry. I thanked Henry and followed my dad up the steps to a huge building. I'm pretty sure this one's bigger then his pent house. It was a sleek building with lots of windows all the way to the top. The bottom part had those spinny doors, I didn't have those at home.

Once we entered the building many people stopped to great my dad, they also asked about who I was. My dad told them I was his daughter in town for the summer.

It was weird to watch my dad get treated with the up most respect from everyone. I was trailing my dad around and followed him inside to the elevator and watched him click the 20th floor.

As the elevator made its stops along the way, I noted how everyone dressed. They were all classic but in business attire. As I was checking people's clothing out I noticed that along the way some where we picked up a brunette, that had a strong perfume on that was giving my dad googly eyes.

The women looked to be in her 40s and was definitely checking my dad out. It seemed to be working, what ever she was doing got my dad's attention. The women squeezed in closer to my dad, and they started to talk. At some point I saw my dad point to me, but I looked away.

Once on the 20th floor we were greeted by a big dude, he was atleast 6'2 and huge. I'm pretty sure he was a linebacker, I've never seen someone so huge.

Once the guy saw my dad he shook his hand and let us by.

"That's Tony, he's my main security man."

I nodded as we walked into a room with lots of windows and had a huge black desk.

"This is my office, and you're more then welcome to sit down here." He said pointing to a chair.

As I went to sit down a very attractive young man walked into the room and greeted my dad very respectfully. He asked my dad if he needed anything, my dad said no, and pointed to me.

They walked over to me and my dad introduced the cute boy to me.

"This is Zack he's interning me here this summer before he goes to college."

Zack reached his hand out me and shook mine.

I smiled "I'm Kristen." Holy crap this guy was handsome, he had electric blue eyes, brown hair and a smile with dimples. He looked tan and had the nicest voice I ever heard.

I tried not to melt.

"Do you need anything while you wait?"

"I'm okay thank you though." Now I'm melting over that accent.

I watched as he walked out of the room. My dad must've noticed because he started to laugh.

"What." I said.

"Seems like someone has a fat crush."

"Oh god, dad we just met and said formalities." Even though I thought he was the most handsome guy ever.

"Right. Well he's likes to do computer tech work and that's what my companies based off, and plus his dad's my best friend.".

"So that's how he got approved to work here?"

"Well that and I believe young people are the future of our earth."

We were currently at my dad's desk and he was showing me how his security systems work.

"Ah and it just connects the footage to your phone?" I asked.

My dad nodded. The systems seemed simple enough and did its job. It was actually kind of cool what my dad did here.

He learned simple but effective ways for people to protect their homes and families. They also have an option here for security but that was only in the United Kingdom for now, which was having a gaurd for events here.

After a few hours of the office dad sent the car for me and told me to go and relax at home. And that's what I did for the rest of the day, I stayed in ordered my favorite type of pizza and watched Gilmaore Girls.

As I slowly dozed off Zack crossed my mind.

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