Chapter Three

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I shot up to the sound of a very annoying noise.

My alarm, was the annoying noise. I rolled over very quickly to shut it off. I saw had a few notifications from some apps, nothing urgent.

I did how ever have a text from Millie, Millie was my best friend from back home. We've known each other since we were both 5 and in kindergarten.

Her text read "Miss you already. Try new things this summer."

I smiled and texted back "I miss you too, what you don't think I should stay home read all summer long again?"

I was a mega book worm, books brought comfort to me. The kind of comfort I couldn't get else where. Last summer I don't think I left my house once. I was so caught up into this new series that made me feel alive.

Millie on the other hand always tried to get me to explore and do new things. She always said that we were young and this was the summer before our first year of college so we needed to expand our selves.

Once I was fully awake I looked around my room realizing where I was. I tried to take it all in, but there was a knock at the door.

"Good morning Kristen." My dad beamed at me.

"Hi dad."

"I made some breakfast, and then after you eat we can go explore London."

I got out of bed and followed my dad out of my room.

Walking down the stairs I noticed a wonderful smell. It smelt like strawberries, vanilla, and bacon.

I followed my dad to the kitchen and noticed he had set the table, I smiled a little as ive never ate at a table set up with napkins with Forks and spoons on them.

Mom and I always dug in, and didn't wait to set the table. So this was refreshing.

In the middle of the table dad had pancakes, bacon and strawberries sitting on fancy plates, with serving spoons.

"I didn't know you could cook."

My dad looked back at me "Ive been cooking for years, I learned from your grandma."

"After you left I never saw her much."

He sighed "I know, everything got messed up because I'm a terrible dad."

"You're not terrible, I just don't get why you left mom and I. Was it me?"

I could see him instantly get uncomfortable, "No and for reasons I rather not talk about."

I just continued eating my food.

I found my self quickly back in my room. It was always such a touchy subject when it comes to why he left us. He never gave us a direct response.

I try to shake off the thoughts of the past for the time being.

For now I needed to focus on getting ready for today.

After my shower I found myself trying to find the perfect outfit, which consisted of black skiny jeans and a purple tank top with lace tracing the outlines of it.

I tossed on a light layer of make up before I went downstairs.

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