Chaper Two

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My dad's pent house was something out of a magazine. Which kind of pissed me off but at the same time I was in awe. Once I gained my composure back, I realized my dad was staring at me.

"What do you think about this place? You'll have you're own room too."

I sighed "Its honestly very nice, not what I'm used too, by all means."

He took my pink suitcase and asked me to follow him.

As I followed my dad up a spiral stair case, I took time too look around. My dad had a modest taste, every thing was put together and clean. You could definitely tell there was no children here. His walls had some photos of national monuments, along with some black and whites of me as a baby.

I wasn't sure how to feel about that, I mean my dad by all means has tried to fix our relationship. He called me when he could and sent me cards often for holidays. For me though it wasn't enough, I was a angry teen girl upset he left my mom and I.

My dad didn't even come in contact with me until I turned 10, at that point mom already raised me enough.

"This is it." My dad brought me back to real life.

I audibly gasped, "Wow." My dad was grinning while looking at me. My room had white walls, with a blue bed set on a king bed, the dressers and night stands were both a light blue.

Blue was my favorite color, I'm surprised he even remembered that.

He dropped my suit case down and I heard the thump. "This room also has a private bathroom through that door." I nodded in response and walked to the big windows.

"That's the London Eye, that's Big Ben, and that's the queen's house." My dad pointed to each one making sure I saw it.

I literally couldn't believe my eyes. This is my very first time traveling out of Leroy, well let alone Texas. This was a big deal too me. I always saw these things in movies, books and pictures. Seeing it was a whole new experience.

My dad patted me on the shoulder "Get unpacked, and some rest tomorrow we'll explore London."

I nodded and gave dad an awkward side hug/pat.

Once my dad left the room, I plopped down on the bed. And I called my mom, it rung for a good minute before I heard her sleepy voice.

"Mom I'm here, and this place is insane."

My mom yawned and spoke "I knew you'd be amazed by it. Did your dad treat you well?"

"Yes you should see my room, and his penthouse."

"Darling your eight hours ahead of me and I'm in bed can we talk tomorrow"

I checked the time on my phone and it was 5 AM here so her time was 9PM at night. She usually stayed up past 9, so I figured she must be exhausted.

I smiled "Of course mom, I love you."

"I love you Kristen."

And with that the line hung up. I got off the comfy bed and went to my suit case. And started to unpack my clothes.

When I got up from the floor, I made my way to the bathroom and saw myself.

I sighed man do I look rough, 12 hours of travel really did it to me. My normal blonde hair was all over the place with small curls mixed in the straight parts, my blue eyes had deep dark bags under them, and I looked pale.

I firgued that was my cue for bed, so with that I brushed my teeth, set an alarm for 9AM.

Before I fell asleep one last thought crossed my mind, that maybe this summer wouldn't be as terrible as i thought it was going to be. That's when I rolled over and saw the lights from the London Eye. Then and there i decided I'd make the best of this trip here in London.

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