25 - The Return of the Phoenix

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🏎 Race Day - Belgian Grand Prix🏎 

"Following Carlos Sainz's win at the Austrian Grand Prix last weekend, McLaren are eager to get back out on track. With weather expected to be less than ideal, teams are preparing for delayed starts and potentially , even cancellations. Lawrence, what are your predictions?"

Alessandro drowned out the sound coming from the speakers in the Ferrari garage. Charles was already in his suit, set for the race to begin. 

"How are you feeling?" Adami, his race engineer asked. Alessandro gave him a blank look as he fed the wire from his earpiece through his suit. 

Adami sighed, gesturing to the screens when he realized that was Alessandro's response. 

"Rain expected all day today. Sector three will be extremely wet due to the sloped terrain. Rain will be heaviest near the end of the race. Expect red flags and don't be stupid. Capisce?"


Dakota found herself staring at the TV screens broadcasting Alessandro's chiseled face as he spoke to his engineer. 

His jaw was clenched, the sharp bridge of his nose slightly pink from the cold. His skin was beginning to lose its tan but still remained the perfect shade of olive that she loved. 


It hurt how much she missed him. 

She missed his smell. His touch. His kisses. 



"You alright?" Lando asked. 

"Yeah. Just.. thinking."

"He'll come around," Lando said, squeezing her shoulder. 

She scoffed, shaking her head. 

"It's been months. He's over us."

"It's not over until he's got a new girl," Lando grinned, walking backwards towards his side of the garage. 

"How do you know he doesn't," I muttered to myself, putting my headset back on.

A loud clap of thunder seemed to agree with her thoughts as the cars got ready to exit the garage. 

D>"Radio check?"

C>"Loud and clear."

D>"Rain expected for pretty much the entire race. It's going to start coming down quite hard in the last 20 laps or so. I'll keep you updated as the race goes on."

C>"Copy. Thanks Kota."

D>"You got it."

The race was underway despite the horrible visibility and track conditions. Dakota always felt uneasy at the Spa race track, especially in the rain. 

But today, she felt numb. 

She was just going through the motions. 

Last night she had stayed awake past midnight, watching the sky from the rooftop of the McLaren hospitality. Waiting. 

Waiting for him to somehow show up. 

Hoping for a miracle. 

A miracle that never came. 

And fuck if it didn't hurt. 

Tears pricked her eyes, the data in front of her blending into a screen of white. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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