
'I noticed how I couldn't read minds when you first freeze time at the cafeteria. It seems your power is quite useful' 

"It is...but It's quite lonely and too quiet.."

Y/n thinks about that one time that she accidentally froze time and was crying and panicking cause her parents weren't moving. Nobody was moving an inch. 

She got snapped out of it when their coffee jelly had arrived. She says her thank you to the waiter before eating hers.

While Saiki sigh reading her mind earlier before taking a bite of coffee jelly. His face turned into pure happiness at the taste.

Y/n notices this and giggle before letting the pink haired eat and cherish the coffee jelly. She does the same.

This was her first time trying coffee jelly since she doesn't like coffee but when she ate it her face was shock.

'This is better than I expected'

A small satisfied smile left Y/n's lips and of course Saiki noticed it but doesn't say anything about it.

After awhile Y/n mainly was the one talking but Saiki does answer short replies to the girl.

Saiki's stoic expression turned into an annoyed face which Y/n was confused about.

"I know your forced to chat with me but you don't have to REALLY show how you don't like talking to me"

'No. It's not that.'

Y/n can sense a familiar presence somewhere. She looks around to see Teruhashi peeking out the cafe. Well when she almost made eye contact with Y/n she dropped down to hide.


Y/n looked at Saiki and realized why his mood changed.

"What do you want to do?"

'Avoid her and go home.'

"Exactly how-"

Saiki grabbed Y/n's hand before she could finish her sentence and went rushing into the cafe bathroom.

It was empty and the employees were at the kitchen. So nobody notices.

They enter the Boys Bathroom and Y/n smacked Saiki.

'That didn't hurt and why did you smack me for?'

"If you read my mind. I'm complaining about the fact you had to choose the BOYS bathroom."

'Well I am a guy. Although I agree most Boys bathroom are disgusting.'


And with that Saiki held Y/n's hand before they teleported in front of his house.

Y/n was kind of dizzy at the sudden transportation. She looked to see shes at her road.

"I don't know how you know my road but I'm going now. Thank you for accepting my bribe!"

Y/n walks a bit limped out her eyes still bit dizzy. Saiki sigh before walking to her and put his arms around her to teleport her to her bed room.

And of course this made the girl more dizzy.

"Wowww everything spinning woahhhh"

Y/n then gently landed on her bed. Saiki then leaves after dropping her off.


Y/n ended up just sleeping due to the long day she had.



Saiki who had just teleported back to his room sits down. Sighing thinking about the long day.

'It wasn't bad except most of them talents aren't exactly talents.'

'After school definitely wasn't bad except for Teruhashi. God really loves her. Seeing her everywhere.'

Saiki sigh before he went and read a book waiting for supper.


With Teruhashi whos about to explode.

"I must be seeing things right!? No way Saiki was with L/n?!"

"I'm way prettier than her..I don't see why guys are even thinking she's cute or something. I'm the perfect girl!"

"Its not even just about Saiki.. everyone thinks she's a nice innocent little princess. When it's obvious I'm better!"

Teruhashi then think about scenarios in her head. How Saiki chose her over Y/n and Y/n was crying being rejected.


She laughs at her imaginations looking a bit like a weirdo.




Next Day

Y/n was waiting patiently at Saiki house.

'I know for a fact he knows I'm here..is he avoiding me..'

Y/n's mood dropped down realizing that its a high chance that the Pyshic even just ignored her and teleported elsewhere.

"Ughhhh I have a long way to go to get on Saiki's good side"

Y/n slouched as she start to walk away from the house disappointed. Saiki indeed knew she was there but if he went with her lots of eyes will immediately land on them.

He cannot risk to get too much attention if he walked with her.

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now