Part 9

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*still at the picnic*
(Edric's POV)

Hunter and I were cuddling while watching the movie. We were getting really sleepy and at some point during the movie I got up to turn of the fairy lights since it was too bright. The only sound apart from the movie was the river that flowed nearby and mine and Hunter's steady breathing.

I struggled to keep my eyes open now, my head was leaning against Hunter's and his head was on mine. As the movie was near the end, I felt him raise his head and saw him take his scroll out of his pocket, checking the time. It was 8:57. I yawned.

"Blondie, it's getting late and we have school tomorrow"

"I know we should head home but I'm too comfortable here with you" he said burying his face in the crook of my neck and putting his arm around me.

"Come on Ed. Five more minutes. Please" he looked up at me, the moonlight making his eyes sparkle.

"Fine" I gave him a kiss on his forehead and we cuddled for a bit.

Once I was drifting off to sleep, Hunter yawned and stretched very dramatically and loudly, causing my head to fall on his lap.

"Did you really have to do that" I groaned. He grinned at me while I frowned, annoyed at him.

"Come on Eddie, I'll drop you home" he said as he got up and stretched out a hand for to take.

I took it and once he pulled me up, we were very close to each other. Our noses were nearly touching. I looked at his lips then at his eyes as we slowly got closer until our lips met. Our eyes closed. After a few seconds we separated, catching our breathes. We looked at each other, his face was red and I'm sure mine was too. I smiled as I motioned for him to help me gather some of the stuff we used, like our blanket, crystal ball, and snacks.

"I'll come for the rest tomorrow" I said as I joined him on Flapjack, a bag with some of the picnic things hanging from my shoulder.

We took off in the direction of my house. With arms around his waist, I leaned my head on his back. Most of the ride we were in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence.

When we reached my house, he lowered us until our feet gently touched the ground.

Flapjack went out of his bird form and he tweeted something to Hunter, too fast so couldn't make out what he was saying, before flying to a nearby tree.

I was a little confused but then Hunter reached for something in his cardigan pocket. He looked at me and took one of my hands in his.

"I had hoped to confess tonight, since I didn't think you had all that planned, and I was going to give this to you when I did. It reminds me of your eyes"" he handed me a radiant, yellow rose. It was beautiful.

I was in shock. This was such a sweet gesture from him. I took the flower and held it while I looked from him to it as a smile grew on my face.

I threw my arms around his neck, "Thank you, I think it's gorgeous"

He wrapped his arms around me as we leaned our faces until our lips met softly. I heard some giggling from nearby and Hunter and I broke the kiss to look at the direction of the giggles.

Mittens and Em were standing in Em's room with the window open, with a perfect view of us. This was really embarrassing. I death stared them but Hunter laughed.

"Calm down Eddie, you're turning into a tomato" he said, bringing a hand to ruffle my hair, the other one still around me.

"You're boyfriend is right, you look like Mittens" Em laughed as she and Mittens smirked at me.

"You're so dead when I go inside" I yelled back. Hearing this, Em and Mittens disappeared from the window.

"Alright, I've got to go but I'll see you tomorrow" Hunter told me as Flapjack flew back and he started to step back.

"Meet you outside or in the fo—" He started to ask but I pulled him into a kiss before he could finish.

"I'll meet you at school" he seemed I little shocked and had a blush I was barely able to see in the dark.

Flapjack turned into a staff in his hand. Before taking off he turned to me, "Goodnight, my broccoli" that left me speechless. I couldn't believe he said that.

"Good night" he took off before I even finished saying it. I was just so... I didn't know how to describe it.

I stood outside for a few seconds watching him leave and letting tonight's events sink in.  Once I walked into the house, still a little lost in my thoughts, I was ambushed by my sisters asking me questions. I couldn't understand what they were saying since they were both talking really fast at the same time, but it was along the lines of "how did it go" and "what did he say".

"Okokok! I get that you want to know but can I first change my clothes? I'm tired of wearing these" I said loudly to get them to stop.

We made our way upstairs to my room, where I dropped the bag I had by the door next to the bookshelf. I got pyjamas and walked into my bathroom while Mittens and Em sat on my bed to talk as they waited for me.

Once I walked out, teeth brushed and face washed, I sat with them on my bed setting my concealment stone and glasses on my bedside next to a book beforehand.

When I was telling them how the picnic went, they ate the leftover snacks that were in my bag. They were very exited for me to tell them. I have very nosy sisters.

Since our parents were away on some work trip, the house was more empty than usual so we had a sleepover in my room. That night I slept with more ease than usual. I didn't feel so alone like I did on other nights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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