Chapter 9

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 The next morning, I dressed and headed to the cafeteria for an orange before executing my plan to utilize the swimming pool. I wanted to try something new today, determined to broaden my horizons. There was a whole compound to explore, and that was the plan. I had a little over a week left here, and I was going to make the best of the situation. 

  Last night had been a dangerously fun experience, but there was a set line that Alex was required to keep his tight ass behind. He couldn’t keep dancing around me with his comments and little touches here and there. It was inappropriate, and it was making me feel guilty toward Tyler. I didn’t want to be that woman who entertained someone else because the attention was fun and exciting, regardless of whether there was a magnet pull suggesting it was more than that. 

  He would have to learn to keep his massive hands to himself and bite his tongue. Especially his tongue because flaunting it was a distraction—even if it was used to only wet his lips. I wouldn't let him do anything but behave. If it was possible, I needed to avoid him altogether.

  I was just about to exit my room when a hard knock rang out, startling me.

  It cracked open. “Are you decent?” Ian’s voice demanded in a flat tone.

  “Y-yes,” I stammered, abruptly cautious of his pissed-off tone.

  “What were you doing out that late?” he started, immediately coming for my throat.

  I cocked my hip and placed my hand there, refusing to bow to his intimidation. “Damn, you need to go get laid. Do you want me to call Raigen for you? Seriously, you need to calm down with all-”

  “Careful, Melie,” he warned with a stern expression at the mention of his mate. 

  “Don’t threaten me, Ian, because you don’t scare me. And to answer your question, brother, I’m an adult and can do whatever I want.”

  “The fact that you use that as an excuse is proof that you're not mature enough to be in a room alone with a grown man and not understand the repercussions.”

  “What?” I laughed humorlessly. “You invited me there, remember? Where loads of werewolf men reside? Not to mention, you left me there when you were done, so don’t run your lips dry scorning me. I didn’t do anything wrong. I asked him to leave me alone.”

  “You did?” He appeared shocked by that fact.

  “I did. Not that I believe he freaking heard me. I mean, he is a wolf, and we all know how hard of hearing they are. Damn jerks. All of you are a bunch of cocky morons. Why are you yelling at me anyway? I’m a kid, remember? Go fume at the grown ass man.”

  “Trust me—he’s next on the list. I won’t allow you to reap a dishonorable reputation, Melanie. If you’re interested in Alex, then fucking fine, but don’t broadcast the shit to the world with images of you both canoodling in my game room. Leave that shit for the bedroom.”

  Wait! What? Did he just encourage me to have sex? With his pack member?

  Instead of questioning him about that, I mocked him. “Canoodling? Really? Nice vocabulary, bro.”

  “You heard what I said,” he warned.

  “Yeah, I heard you, but I'm confused. Are you mad that I was hanging out with Alex or that I'm too young to?”

  “I thought you weren’t interested?” he pressed, dissecting my words. “Didn’t you just say you told him to leave you alone? You don’t sound like a girl seeking space,” he accused.

  “That’s not the point,” I retorted. “How can you treat me like a child but in the next sentence sound so nonchalant about me messing around with a werewolf? How does that make sense? Especially one that you don’t particularly like?”

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