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Irene couldn't tear her eyes away from the mesmerising late empress, her admiration evident. "...There's no way you couldn't have fallen for her after that."

Irene's remark elicited a hearty laugh from Theodore, who gestured towards his younger self sprawled on the floor in defeat. "As you've just witnessed," he chuckled, "she didn't leave me much of a choice."

Yestala, with a subtle inclination, leaned forward and extended her hand, assisting young Theodore to his feet with a graceful ease.

"You've won again... I simply can't beat you," he panted, making his way towards a nearby bench where a glass of water eagerly awaited him.

Yestala's expression remained unchanged as she watched Theodore retreat, her gaze aloof. She exuded an air of quiet confidence, seemingly unaffected by the intensity of their training session.

"I wonder when Rudien will arrive. He's the only one who can truly challenge me," Yestala casually remarked, her words causing young Theodore to sputter and choke on his water.

"W-What? Why are you still waiting for him?" he stammered, his voice laced with a hint of aggravation and a tinge of envy, though he didn't voice it outright.

Irene delicately covered her mouth, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she observed the telltale blush on young Theodore's cheeks. "Oh my, is this... jealousy?" she teased, unable to contain her amusement.

Beside her, the emperor shifted uncomfortably, his own cheeks tinged with a faint shade of red. With a slight falter in his voice, he responded, "C-Can you really blame me? It's Rudien we're talking about! He has a way of effortlessly capturing the hearts of women without even realising it! Do you know how much that put me through?"

Irene couldn't help but stifle a soft giggle, observing the younger Theodore confidently stride up to his fiancée, who even at that time stood a head taller than him. Their stark contrast in demeanour was evident, as her strong and silent presence juxtaposed his brazen and childlike approach.

"I'm hungry! Come eat with me!" he proclaimed with unabashed boldness.

Yestala tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "Hm? But we just had lunch an hour ago... And Rudien will be arriving soon-"

"I don't care," he interrupted, determination lacing his voice. "I want to eat, and you're coming with me."

With a firm grip, young Theodore clutched Yestala's wrist, attempting to coax her out of the training room. However, his efforts proved futile as she remained steadfast like an impregnable fortress, unmoved by his feeble attempts to drag her along. The comical sight of the scrawny, blonde prince struggling against her unyielding stance made it challenging for Irene to suppress her laughter.

"It's strange," Irene remarked, fighting back a giggle. "I remember hearing that you and Empress Yestala had a highly professional relationship, but this appears to be quite the opposite."

"The dynamics between our households were quite strained," Theodore explained, his gaze shifting towards Irene with a weighty seriousness. "The previous Duke of Atlan was ambitious and often clashed with my parents. My marriage to Yestala was arranged solely to preserve the peace, but it also placed us on a precarious, fragile foundation."

Theodore's eyes then settled upon Yestala, who sighed softly, observing his younger self's futile endeavour to move her. As Irene surveyed his expression, she discerned a deep affection radiating from his eyes.

"Even to this day, she remains the sole woman I truly love," Theodore confessed, a pained grimace crossing his face as his gaze dropped to the ground. "I loved her so deeply, and yet..."

The Author's WillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon