I was too focused on Bolvar and the Lady Prestor to notice the little kid in the middle. He couldn't have been more than 10 years old. The kid looked like a mini Jason with blonde hair and blue eyes, but his face was rounder and his head a was a little too big for his body. He had a solemn look on his face and it hit me: This kid was the Prince. Laurelie and I knelt before them. 

"Rise.  You are amongst friends," the prince said softly, immediately easing my worries.

He gave us a toothy smile, "We would like to employ you for a task. It is very dangerous, but if you manage to accomplish it, you will be rewarded handsomely."

"Anything you ask of us, my Prince, we will do!" Laurelie jumped up happily.

The boy smiled up at us, "Very well." 

Lady Prestor then continued, "As you know, the Dark Iron Dwarves had unleashed one of the most dangerous elemental lords, and he's taken residence under the mountain they live in. Our end goal is to slay The Elemental Fire Lord Ragnaros, but before we get to that, we have to fight our way into the Burning Steppes. That is the region where Blackrock Mountain resides." 

"There's supposed to be a 'but' here somewhere, isn't there?" I interrupted.

 Lady Prestor eyed me up and down and smiled seductively, which Bolvar Seemed to notice and scowled at us. 

"But," she continued, "the Blackrock Orc Clan has kept most of our forces out of the Burning Steppes. The Searing Gorge, north of the Steppes, is heavily occupied by the Dark Iron Dwarf Clan and our Dwarven allies in IronForge are taking care of them. These two regions drive a wedge in our kingdoms and we need them back. The first step in our strategy is to drive the Blackrock clan from Redridge mountains. They took over Stonewatch Keep in the second war and we want it back as its strategic position is invaluable. The Nobles aren't willing to part with their gold, but if you take the keep, it's yours to do whatever you please."

Bolvar shifted uncomfortably and asked, "Lady Prestor, do you think it's a great idea to send this Guild to Redridge? There are other guilds who are far more qualified for the task at hand, not to mention the two Outlanders working with them." 

This statement angered me. It's one thing to insult me, but to do it and act like I'm not there irked me. 

"You have nothing to worry about with me. I may be an outsider, but my friends live here, so I will do anything in my power to keep them safe," I said, trying to keep my cool.

Lady Prestor stepped forward and I noticed Laurelie tense, "I would like to speak to you in private before you leave on your job, Outlander. I am sure you will like to hear what I have to say." 

I felt willed to obey and I couldn't say no.

~Sometime later~


Marching through Goldshire to Redridge with the Better Guild was a lot of fun. Most of the time it was inappropriate jokes, loud laughter, and jokes about The Co-GM's lack of hair. There was also Laurelie giving and taking away 'NiCe points'.  The person with the least amount of NiCe points was a female Dwarf paladin named Balodrula Irongut. As soon as she said something wild as hell, she was asked by Laurelie to repeat it. She wouldn't and had 2 million NiCe points deducted. How on Gaia's green domain can a person even manage that feat?

It seemed the group that was always in 'trouble' were Zeinnor Trahorn, a bald Night Elf druid who was also the Co-Gm and Laurelie's husband, Balodrula Irongut, Ben Allon who was a Human priest, and a Gnome Rogue named Ein Badshroud.  Although they insulted each other and came off as crass, you could see that everyone in the guild really cared for each other. It felt like I was back at camp HalfBlood; it was bittersweet. In the time I'd gotten to know these unhinged individuals, I'd come to like them, and I know Zoe did too, even if she'd never admit to it.

As we made our way past the Eastvale Logging Company, I couldn't help but think about the private conversation between Lady Prestor and I.

~Lady Prestor's residence ~

 "You are not from here, are you? And before you answer, I don't mean from the Eastern Kingdoms. You and that girl aren't from this world," She was eyeing me up and down as she spoke. 

I hoped that she couldn't pick up on my nervousness as she continued, "You radiate power, Outlander. Power that you are keeping hidden from your companions."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

I knew I was powerful, but I had to keep this hidden. Being a demigod only caused me problems back home. Here, I had a clean slate. I could live a somewhat normal life.

Her eyes narrowed. I noticed her pupils becoming slits like a lizard's.

"I'll be watching you, Outlander, and take heed. Do not tell anyone about this meeting. I will know if you do. My agents are everywhere, but it won't matter. You've been under a watchful eye since you took up the quest to find that girl you travel with, and we know about her too," She said with a devilish grin. 

I shot my wolf glare at her.

"You can threaten me as much as you'd like, but you will stay away from her and the rest of my friends, you hag," I let some of my power out and she flinched. 

"You listen to me. You can play whatever game you want, but you have no idea who you're dealing with. Trust me, you don't want to. I highly suggest you think about this,"  I turned and walked out of her dwelling, slamming the door as hard as I could.

~Flashback over ~

                   ~REDRIDGE MOUNTAINS ~

 Redridge was absolutely beautiful with the rolling grassy hills, the Redwood trees swaying in the wind, and Lake Everstill, this giant body of water in the center

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Redridge was absolutely beautiful with the rolling grassy hills, the Redwood trees swaying in the wind, and Lake Everstill, this giant body of water in the center. The water was as the name says: ever still, and it didn't move at all. It was quite the sight to see the undisturbed water, the surface like glass. In the distance stood a wide stone bridge with several blue pennant flags blowing softly in the breeze, and in the background, a grass-covered mountain towered over everything. To the east you could see the keep that the invading Blackrock Orcs took residence in. This was Stonewatch Keep that overlooked Everstill Lake. We arrived at Lakeshire at dusk and decided to spend the night at the Lakeshire Inn before our mission tomorrow. I hurried to my room and sleep took me in an instant.

Well that's the chapter guys the next chapter is gonna be the recapture of Stonewatch. I know it's been a while, but I've been slowly writing this over the last few weeks .

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