I sighed, "As much as I would love to continue it... we only have three one-on-one rehearsals left."

"I know," she teased, knowing that we could easily become distracted but really couldn't afford it. She continued, "We could try and finish up the routine, that way we'll have two entire rehearsals to perfect it."

"Since when do you call the shots?" I teased further, realizing she was actually pretty into this duet. I was relieved that she was because it couldn't be a one-sided thing.

Shrugging she plugged in my phone and found the song on my playlist, hearing the intro begin immediately. "The faster we learn the rest the more time we have to ourselves..."

I caught her drift immediately, allowing us to begin dancing to the music. We had rehearsed quite a bit already, and we only had about another thirty seconds to learn. It wasn't much at all, but we decided on starting from the very beginning.

Drew approached me from behind, her hands delicately moving over my stomach and my chest, moving up to my head as I placed my hand on hers. The fact that she could set my entire body on fire without really doing anything made a huge statement. It was so hard to resist her in times like this, but I knew I needed to focus.

Our right arms extended together against the beat of the music, as if we were reaching for something together. I had to admit; whenever I was dancing with Drew it felt so effortless, like something that was so natural for us. It gave me a sense of pride, and it made me see how much we actually complimented each other.

I felt Drew's strong arms wrap around my stomach, lifting me up and spinning me around timidly. She made it feel so easy, as if I weighed nothing but a pound in her arms. She didn't struggle, but I knew she was in significant shape, that was obvious.

Reaching my hand back behind Drew's neck, I locked eyes with her momentarily. My heart slammed in my chest even harder seeing the look she was giving me. It was like nothing was more perfect than this moment to her, and it made my heart swell with warmth.

I was facing her now, moving my body against her as her hands guided my waist with the beat of the music. I forced myself into a backbend, praying Drew kept her strength to hook her arm under my neck and bring me back up. She did, effortlessly might I add, pulling me back up and allowing me to fall into her, my arms wrapping around her neck while hers snaked around my torso.

I let her carry me, feeling her back-peddle quickly for a second and then her hand grabbed my thigh, lifting me up into the air. We moved together as if we had done it for years, as if she knew my every move before I even did it. The benefits of having her as a dance partner were evident, and I literally couldn't find any negatives besides the fact that I got distracted often.

When she touched me I couldn't help but hold my breath, and the intimacy we shared in these moments didn't help. Being close to her provoked so many feelings inside of me, and I wondered if she felt the same.

Eventually we had danced up until we had practiced last time, me bending backwards as Drew's face hovered over mine. She held me up with such ease while controlling her own body, leaving me amazed at how strong and balanced she was.

We stayed like that until she leaned in and kissed my lips quickly, smiling, "How was that?"

I shook my head in disbelief knowing damn well she knew what she as doing to me. I composed myself, "Amazing as always, but it gets a little tough after where we left off."

She rolled her eyes playfully, resting her hands on her hips, "Of course it does, but I can keep up."

I walked over to her, preparing myself to teach her the last bit of choreography. If we got through it all today it would leave us with more rehearsal time to perfect it, which I was striving for. So far so good, but I knew the last bits we hadn't learned were tough on purpose. I wanted to audience to wow in their seats, and this was going to do just that.

If I Fall (GirlXGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora