Chapter 54 | Succession

Start from the beginning

"This is the heirloom mentioned in the document. It was passed down for generations."

"Bird Tears..." she muttered, causing him to pause.

"Pardon me?"

"Sorry... Just... These gems are extremely rare," she muttered, eyes not leaving the pin. "Just like the one in the comb I wear, they originate from this island."

"Really? I've always thought there was something special about them," he murmured, staring at the comb in her hair before shaking his head lightly. "No matter. With the signing of that document, it becomes yours."

Her jade eyes finally left the ornament and she looked down at the parchment before taking a pen and placing it against the paper.

After a moment, the kanji of her name was complete and she placed down her pen. The man let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness... I thought you would refuse at the last second," he murmured. She cracked a grin looking over to the man and woman.

"You two."

"Yes, my Lady," they bowed in unison.

"May I know who you are?"

"I am Eyumi," the woman responded. "I oversaw the past lord's noble duties."

"I am Huang Po," said the man. "I headed a small team that ran the country since the past lord was lacking."

"You're both hired if you'd like," the Namikage smiled softly, resting her chin in her palm. They looked at her for a moment in confusion. "I've decided to merge the Daimyo and Namikage positions for the time being. I have my hands full and would love to have a team that I can already trust with the functioning of the country."

They both gave deep bows.

"Thank you!"

"For now, you can head down to the front desk and they'll call Shikamaru. He'll know better where to fit you and your teams in. I'm also dealing with something for the hospital at the moment so I don't have the time. Please have any questions ready for when you're called in for a meeting. You're both dismissed." They both gave one last bow before exiting the room.

Sakura rolled up the scroll and placed it back in the box before looking at one of the guards that seemed to be getting ready to stand outside her door. "One of you let the two people in the hall know that they can come in and then you can all rest for the day."

"B-But, my lady—"

"I say this politely; I already have someone who guards me whether I like it or not and I don't need any more." They gave nods before they exited the room. Only a moment later, Kakashi and Kirai entered the room, the young woman carrying a small stack of folders. "Are those all of them?"

"Yes, my Lady. The woman who had the worst injuries is recovering well now," Kirai stated as she placed the folders on the desk. Sakura hummed as she pulled them toward her and opened the first one, flipping through some of the pages.

"Kirai, take this box to the archive library and hand it over to Eri, please," the pinkette instructed, reaching out and tapping her pen lightly on the box that contained the document for the transfer of the title of Daimyo. The young woman nodded and picked up the box, hurrying out of the room before the Namikage tapped on the other box. "Take this to the hummingbird elders, Kakashi."

He gave a nod before picking up the box and exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

"So," she started, not looking up from her files as she wrote something down on one before closing it and moving to the next. "What should I call you now?"

She glanced up at him and he smiled.

"Yue Baoyu."

"Yue, what were you planning on doing with the palace that you used to live in?" she asked, again writing something down after scratching something out.

"That's for you to decide, it's yours now."

"I'm thinking of moving it." The man across from her stayed silent as he tried to understand the meaning of what she said. To move a palace was not something that was usually talked about. "Nothing would be damaged."

"How would you even..."

"A person in this village has the capability," she paused. "I suppose Shukaku could do it as well though I trust him with it less... But once it's in Arashichi, what do you think about it being a museum and teaching institute?"

She was still focused on her papers, having gotten through most of the files by that point.

"That... sounds wonderful. What would they teach there?" he asked. From his voice, she could tell he had never thought about such a thing.

"We're lacking historical studies here on the island and some people have shown interest in biological studies that don't involve chakra," she started. "I hear you have a large collection of books, and I was wondering if you would be willing to donate them. A national library can be something that draws people from all over."

"Of course... I planned to hand those over as well since they hold large amounts of the country's history." She was unable to see his expression of wonder as he watched her finish her last file before straightening the papers. "Have you thought of all of this yourself?"

"The interests of the citizens come first. People who work here for me overhear things or are asked about things and they bring them back and put in suggestions. The same goes for normal citizens, they'll come in with ideas. If the idea shows enough promise or enough people suggest it, we look into it and see if we can go through with it. Recently a man with a large collection of books came and asked if there was a library he could become a part of. Apparently, he came from Wind Country after being chased off by younger people not caring much about history."

"Some people showed interest in learning the history of other nations as well as the history of the world," she continued. "So historical studies are in high demand right now. The more educated the people of this village and this nation, the more prosperous we can be to help each other and future generations, don't you agree?"

She finally looked up at him, only to receive a bobbing nod in response.

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