Rudy sick

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Rudy: (wears a cute oversized sweater with a skull on it)

Rudy: (carries a tissue box)

Rudy: (sneezes for the millionth time) no get away from me, will, i'm fine

Mini: you're sick, sunshine

Rudy: no i'm not! i'm the ghost king, ( Wink, wink. MINDY!) I don't get sick-!

Rudy: (sneezes) (erupts in a coughing fit)

Mini: (crosses his arms) right. The ghost king NEVER gets sick.

Rudy: (still coughing) exactly.

Mini: all right, Rudra, off to the infirmary. doctor's orders.

Rudy: (sighs) okay

Aru Shah Incorrect Quotes/Memes #4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora