Chapter 3: Something Far Removed from Magicians. Power_Instigation.

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District 23 of Academy City was an industrial zone that specialized in aviation and space. All of Academy City's major airports were centered in District 23.

The district was covered in runways and rocket launch sites, so it lacked tall buildings like the rest of the city. As far as the eye could see, it was flat asphalt with occasional control towers and laboratories sticking out.

"It's like a field made of stone and iron..."

Kamijou said this as he stepped off the train and looked out at the landscape stretching out in front of him.

This was the place where he had fought Oriana Thomson during the Daihaseisai, but he got the impression that the security was even tighter now.

He put the grocery bags he had been carrying in a coin locker at the station. Since there were a lot of researchers in this city, the coin lockers were airtight and one had the option of making them refrigerated.


"...This is expensive. Do these things usually cost this much per hour!?"

"Nyah. Looks like it'd be cheaper to just throw those bags out and buy the stuff again at a cheap super market when we get back."

Tsuchimikado had a point, but Kamijou didn't like wasting food. He put the bags in the locker, recorded his fingerprint, locked it, and activated the refrigeration option.

Kamijou headed for the station's exit and spoke to Tsuchimikado.

"I assume we're catching a plane since we're in District 23?"

"Well, we're leaving the country."

"Seriously!? ...Wait, did someone get my passport?"


Kamijou fell silent at Tsuchimikado's one-word response.

Tsuchimikado sounded bored as he continued speaking.

"It's not like we're going for a trip overseas. Our activities are completely unofficial. And if we're found out, we'll be in international trouble that pales in comparison to not having a stamp or two in our passports."

"I-I see."

There were plenty of things he wanted to say, but the matter-of-fact way Tsuchimikado said that made him wonder if this way really was better.

After exiting the station, they were at a large-scale bus terminal. In District 23, one traveled by taking buses instead of walking.

Tsuchimikado found the bus heading to the international airport and got on; Kamijou followed suit.

Since the district had many runways and lacked buildings, the road was straight as an arrow. The speed limit was fairly high as well; the posted signs noted 100 kph.

With the asphalt plain out the window, even the gray horizon was man-made.

Large white clouds of steam could be seen rising up from the horizon.

A low-pitched tremor shook the glass, causing vibrations.

"Oh, a rocket. Looks like it launched fine."

Tsuchimikado sighed as he said that.

Kamijou pulled out his phone and activated the television function. The news was showing various angles of a rocket leaving the ground.

"They're saying it's Academy City's fourth satellite. I wonder if that's true or not."

"If they're launching a rocket now, one of the reasons will be to get people speculating about it. People will say it's everything from a military satellite to a test launch of an ICBM. The more possibilities, the more effective it is in holding others in check."

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