Chapter 5: Defeat the Person with the Strongest Black Wings.

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With Block's eradication, the incidents had ended for the moment.

Tsuchimikado was cleaning up the mess it caused, Musujime was tending to her wounds, and who knew where Unabara was or what he was doing, though he was probably fine. Accelerator, without anything in particular to do (nor the motivation to do it), took the train back to District 7, went into the first convenience store he saw, and got a can of coffee.

Then his phone rang.

On the screen was Tsuchimikado's number, registered as "Contact 3," but when he picked up, someone else was on the other end.

"Excellent work, Accelerator. Block's attempt on the board chairman's life has terminated. This is all thanks to you and Group."

"You again?" answered Accelerator, clearly annoyed.

"I'm happy to have such capable subordinates."

"...It sounds a lot like you want me to kill you."

"No, not at all. I really am grateful this time. So in addition to the stipulated payment for your normal business operations, as personal thanks, I have a useful piece of information for you."

"Useful info?"

"Yes. Information regarding a fatal threat to Serial Number 20001—Last Order."


Uiharu Kazari and Last Order were at an open-air café.

Last Order was really worked up about searching for this lost child, but since they'd been walking so long, her feet hurt, and now she was slumped over the table. Uiharu, for her part, was taking on the shop's specialty: a huge, sweetly flavored parfait.

"So what happened to the child? Did your ahoge stop reacting to him?"

"...Misaka doesn't have an ahoge, answers Misaka as Misaka wilts."

Despite what she said, that one piece of hair on the top of the ten-or-so-year-old girl's head was drifting left and right in the autumn wind. The oddly sticking-out piece of hair was certainly an ahoge—you probably couldn't find a sillier one if you searched the whole world, thought Uiharu.

"I definitely sensed him wandering around here before, but it looks like he went somewhere in the meantime, says Misaka as Misaka is fed up with all the fruitless walking."

Abruptly, the flabby Last Order's face shot up.

(Did she find him?)

Uiharu had that thought, but it looked like she was wrong.

Last Order was staring at a group of girls walking by, each with a key holder that came with meal sets at a different café chain.

"M-Misaka wants that, too, says Misaka as Misaka has no wallet and starts making her eyes sparkle at the nice lady Uiharu!!"

"Oh, come on. Weren't you looking for someone who got lost?"

"Mgh! Misaka senses that he's in that café over there—!!"

"You mustn't be so quick to tell lies like that. Besides, I've only just gotten past the fresh-cream-zone prologue of this big parfait, so I couldn't possibly leave now."

"How can you be so relaxed?! says Misaka as Misaka bangs on the table and throws a tantrum!!"

"Come to think of it, didn't you get a lot of change from the taxi?"

"Ah!! Now that you mention it, says Misaka as Misaka reaches into her pocket, grabs a bunch of coins, and dashes out of the café!!"

Before she even finished talking, she had run off.

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