Just a fool for her

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The past is only 5-6 chapters so just bear with me, it will only continue two chapters more or so.


Two months later

"What I did was out of love...."

"We are fated to be together-" A delicate tree branch that had pears dangling from it smacked the face of the Emperor that was dressed in regal robes yet he could neither behead the tree not express the pain he felt on his cheek for it would be an insult to his pride, the delicate visage walking ahead of him stopped for a second, looked back and after watching his red cheek felt rejuvenated before moving further ahead.

The servants dared not utter a word, forget about laughing as they watch the scenario which was a daily activity of the imperial palace for it had been two months since Emperor Zyram came to throne.

The male held the fur cloak in between his fingers as the woman further walked in the garden filled with roses without listening to a word that he said. Some said that the female was courting death while others called her a seductress.

Queen Ilaria had been made the first Empress of the empire that was founded by Emperor Zyram, its name- Avesta but alas their relationship had not progressed for despite the marriage the Empress did not allowed the emperor to either visit her chambers nor attended the court.

Many hoped that the monarch would be raged by such impudence yet he visited her every single day instead and apologized for his mistakes, only he expressed that he was not wrong to kill Harwon and was neither a culprit in taking her as his wife.

Zyram loved Ilaria.

But Ilaria was afraid of him, once betrayed she did not wished to become a fool to again fall for him.

"Tonight is full moon and the stars would reflect in the lake, how about we see it together?"

"No" A rose flower was plucked and kept into a basket before Ilaria continued further.

"I have heard that there is a chronicle in the imperial study that you wish to read-"


"How about we have imperial dishes in the south pavilion?"



"Do you hate me?"

"No" The man almost felt like ripping his locks in frustration. It was so difficult to fathom such a tiny woman for he had made her the empress, apologized endlessly, even let family visit the imperial palace often and taught her two brothers himself for he considered them a part of her happiness now.

Ilaria did not disliked Zyram at all, just that he was difficult to understand and his emotions were deep and dark for someone pure like her making her seek his warmth but also be wary of his eccentricity.

He had told her when they were marrying that he did not came to manipulate her but just like Harwon he also considered her his enemy, it was only after that she was so kind to him did he start being obsessed with her.There were so many secrets in between them and sometimes Ilaria wished to run away from him because of them.

While the female was long lost in thought, the man had already embraced her waist from behind as his chin rested on her head sighing for the umpteenth time.

"I will do as you say, just don't abandon me Ilaria."

"Even if I abandon you, you would have your throne and there will be a new empress that shall replace me." She was swirled his grasp as his eyes shone dangerously, the male bowed while holding her close to his chest and whispered sweetly.

"I fought with my comrades and defied many to acquire the throne for the prize was you Ilaria so do not forget, my empress can only be you and do not abandon me for I will even cross the realm of gods to be with you."

"Sweet-talker" A fist that was even more lighter than a feather pushed at his chest making the man laugh when she blushed exquisitely.

"I went to hunt some days ago and found a small baby of Armean stag separated from its mother, do you want to see it?" Armean stag's underbelly had the softest fur that was considered sacred and divine so much so because it was a rarity that even the Kings do not possess, further it was said that the beast had magical healing properties that if its fur is used to make charms, it could ward off death.

Ilaria had only heard about the creature in thick history books thus when the question was presented she could not stop herself from nodding with a blooming face. In two months it was the first time she had agreed to do something with him thus the male could not help but wrap his arms around her and pick the female in his muscular hold to take her to his own chambers.

There it was, amidst of lush greenery, sleeping in the field of flowers a small fawn that had bright red spots on its back and its white fur still so small. It was such a adorable creature yet so shy that when it saw Ilaria it almost ran to her hiding behind her back from Zyram.

The female could not hold herself and the rose flower that she had plucked was almost instantly tucked at the small fawn's ears making it jump in happiness.

Ilaria after so many days laughed with mirth and it was so melodious as if small bells were jingling in the background making Zyram come to her and clutch her into his hold.

"Ilaria do not ever leave me." That day she had dared to roll eyes at the emperor and laughed again making him raise and eyebrow and shake his head as if now at last they were at peace, yet the happiness was never permanent.


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