"Hi Emma sweetie, how are you?" I smiled at the young girl sitting on the bed. Looking at the medical records, she got stung by bees and had an allergic reaction. Though it's not that severe, meaning life threatening, her family still brought her in the ER. Which is good, things like these should be treated as soon as possible.

"I'm in pain." She mutter, staring at the ceiling, looking like everything in life has disappointed her. Which is kind of funny, but in situations like these, laughing is just inappropriate. She literally has rashes all over her body.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that." I placed my hand on her arm, trying to seem as sincere as I could be. "I'm just going to take a look at you okay? Like a small check up." I told her placing the stethoscope on her chest. "Inhale. Good job. Exhale."

"I hate bees." She said, making me chuckle lightly.

"I bet. But you do have to admit that they help us out a lot, those pretty flowers outside are probably like that because of them." I looked at the machines she's connected to, checking off the check boxes on my clipboard.

"Set her on some antibiotics. IV drip and give her some hydrocortisone cream to help withe the rashes." I told the nurse beside me, stuffing the pen into my pocket. "And check her temperature every hour in case the situation starts worsening."


"Okay Emma, I'll be back later to check on you, okay?" I tapped her leg lightly earning a nod, smiling at her mother too before exiting.

I looked back at at the clipboard in my hands, reassuring that I didn't get anything wrong before actually writing it down in the system. But before I could even get far, I felt myself slam into a hard surface, dropping my clipboard.

Don't tell me I ran into a wall. I swear, you are the most clumsiest doctor out there Madelyn, you need to fix this.

But to my surprise, I was met with a pair of dark, brown eyes when I looked up. My eyes widening realizing that it was a person instead of a said wall.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered before squatting down to pick up the clipboard and some files as they sort of scattered around me.

"It's fine." The guy answered back, squatting down to help me pick up the remaining pieced of scattered paper. My brows furrowed as I looked up at him, ignoring the abnormality my heart feels seeing him, I should get it checked out if it happens again. Funny, I don't think he works in the ER, or I would have seen him around, right?

"Are you new?" I blurted out before anything. And I think you need to shut your mouth while you fix that clumsy problem of yours. "I-I mean, uh. I'm sorry." I sighed, looking at the floor as I stood back up.

The man just chuckled. "It's fine, and no, I'm not new to the hospital. I've probably been working here longer than you have." I frowned at what he said, taking over my things that he collected. Why does that make him sound arrogant, or am I just overthinking? Maybe a little bit of both?

"I see," We stared at each other, and to be honest, it's sort of awkward. "Uh, I'll get going. Thank you." I gave a slight nod and rushed over to the nurse's station, Jamie looking at me with a teasing smile.

"Seems like you're bringing some spice into your residency years." She giggled, wiggling her brows at me playfully. I just rolled my eyes and took a seat beside her, placing the clipboard down on the desk.

"Funny. As if the ER isn't 'spicy' enough." She laughed again, as if she stopped before.

"You know that's not what I meant," She sighed, finally stopped laughing. I don't even understand why she's laughing in the first place, what's funny anyways? "I think you might have pulled the guy though, he almost started looking at you with heart eyes if you didn't move away."

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