Chapter 11.

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"You could just...drop the coffee here", I said to Ria, my PA, pointing to a stool beside my table, as she walked in with a cup of coffee and some bread.
"my table's quite filled at the moment", I added in a mutter.
"Thank you", I calmly said after she dropped the cup and saucer on the stool.
"And I don't think I'd have the bread, so you can take it away", I added and shifted my look back to some paperwork I had in my hand.
"Alright ma'am, I hope you had a good night sleep", she greeted me smiling as she dropped the coffee.
"Uhhh, well, I was good, thank God", I sighed and returned a smile as I reclined in my chair.
"You can sit"
"Alright ma'am"
"I'm still reviewing the proposal from Ova companies", I said while Ria nodded.
"I asked them to reach you for any more iinfo after the meeting we had yesterday with the representatives. Did they reach out?"
"Ehh...Yes, I got a mail. They asked to know when next we'd be having a meeting"
"Did you give them a deadline?", I asked hurriedly without taking my eyes off what I was reading through on my table..
"Not at all ma'am, since you didn't ask me to, so I just returned a message that we'd get back to them soon".
"Good one!"
"Also, concerning the contract project with Presdave corporations, what would we be doing about it ma'am?".
I rolled my eyes and quietly sighed in frustration when she asked this.
"Let's keep it aside for now and face some better stuff", I replied with a fake smile, laying emphasis on the 'better'
"It's a partnership so it still makes sense to await a move from the partner company", I added and quickly tried to conceal the   fakeness in the smile I gave her.
"That's fine as well ma'am. I was quite surprised when you informed me that there were representatives from the company and we didn't need to set up a board meeting", Ria stated with a baffled look while I sighed again.
"Was surprised as well", I muttered sarcastically and fixed my gaze back to the files i had been looking through.
"By the way, that was the owner of Presdave Corporations and his son. They're not actual representatives, you get what I mean?"
"Ohh, wow!", Her eyes widened. I knew which "meeting" she was referring to. Apparently, My father wasn't joking when he said that Kenneth would be visiting the office.
"And they were to have a meeting with my father, hence their visit", I ignored that I was about to tell a lie and added that quickly to shun her, as I sensed she was about to ask another question concerning the visit of Mr Prescott and his son.
"Ohhh", she lowly responded. "I'd be leaving now ma'am, I'd get back to you if there are any updates", she added and got up to leave.
"Sure!", I replied and kept on with my work while she left. Not long later, my phone buzzed when I got a call from Jane.
"Hey babes, I'm in the building right now, you at work?", I heard her ask from her end.
"Yah yah, I hope you got me something on your way?". I replied as I stretched to reach the cup of tea.
"Sharrap, I'm approaching your office now", she sharply said, hushing me.
"Who goes to visit someone and calls to enquire about their presence in a place only after they've already gotten there?"
"You need to tell me", I teased her as she walked through the door.
"Ohh please", she rolled her eyes while I laughed and stretched to pick up my cup of coffee from the nearby stool.
"Was on my way to shop a few stuff then I decided to stop by".
"After what feels like decadessss...oh my God!", she squealed like a three year old as she squeezed me in a hug.
"Besides I knew you'd be at work already cause why would you be out of the office as early as 9am".
"Well you never know", I smiled. "would be going somewhere later today though"
"I am trying so hard to not confess how much I missed you", I pouted and teased her.
"Don't force it baby", she replied in a cute baby voice and rubbed my cheeks.
"What's that your having, your morning coffee as usual?", She asked as she slumped on a couch beside my desk..
"Hmmn", I gave a throaty reply as my mouth kissed the rim of the cup.
"You want some? I could ask the kitchen to make for you", I asked getting up and approaching the couch on which she sat.
"Nahh...I'm filled already. Let's have some real gist please", she said with her eyes brightening.
"Hmn...this girl and gists", I smiled, teasing her as I settled beside her on the couch.
"Of course, this one is important, please. We haven't had time to really talk well for about...2 weeks now?" She widened her eyes and looked at me with a shocked expression after her realization.
"Well that's cause you dumped me for Dave", I said, pouting as I eyed her while She chuckled.
"How was your trip by the way, and how is Dave too?"
"I think this should have come first instead", she joked and we laughed. "Well he's good. He treated me real good honestly. I almost shopped at every jewellery store in Manchester". I watched as she happily spoke about her Dave. Dave was someone who went from being friend zoned and left unread for days, getting secretly slandered by Jane on how he wasn't "her type", to being a potential boyfriend. From my friend's expression, I think has scored more than a million points, with every part of her face beaming in happiness, while I watched and listened with rapt attention. Talk about the rejected stone becoming a cornerstone.
"And my fashion designing business, Oh my Gosh, he's willing to be super supportive!"
"He seems like a great guy. I think you could consider dating him...what do you think about that now?"
"Actually...", she sighed.
"but we're still getting to know each other well. I'd just call it our talking stage", she replied.
"Talking stage you say?", I exclaimed and gave her a surprised look. "How many talking stages is a relationship meant to have? Or have you forgotten since when this guy has been chasing you? Those days of "I'm not interested...he's not my spec", I laughed out.
"Well...I'm  just interested in getting to know him now. Those days don't count"
"I hear you...", I replied as I recovered from my laughter.
"Anyways, That's a good one"
"just dont break another man's heart again, like you did to George", I teased her almost in a whisper but loud enough for her to hear.
"What do you mean?", She eyed me. "Now you make me feel filthy and  like some gold digger", she added, sounding vexed.
"Was I supposed to have remained with George after he cheated?"
"He didn't even just cheat...George is a filthy serial cheat! A fucking manipulator and a gaslighter! And you know this Dara".
"Same way you knew so before getting into a relationship with him...or at least you claimed to have suspected so", I rolled my eyes.
"But you ignored the flags and blew a happy 'Yes' when he asked you out, enjoying every gift, money and expensive trip he had to offer.
"And then boom you suddenly said you were tired of him, leaving the poor lad heartbroken". I added, quite dramatically.
"Do you think we would be wrong if we translate that action of yours to the reason that you dated him because of his money?", I questioned with a straight expression.
"Well...George came into my life and did his part and then...left when it was time for him to", she rolled her eyes and looked away.
"What I'm never gonna accept is you saying that I left George heartbroken. George? The man of the ladies? That could have sex with thirteen ladies in a day if he wanted?", she eyed me and gave a throaty laugh in sarcasm.
"Besides I don't think there's any manual that says people must  end up marrying whoever they date", she added.
"Well some lucky ones end up like that", I muttered and took a long sip from my coffee. A wave of sadness hit me briefly when I remembered I wasn't one of the lucky ones. At least not with Damon.
"Well I'm glad you said the 'lucky ones'", she replied, putting her hands up in the air as she did the 'enquote' sign with her fingers.
I sighed with a brief side smile.
"Look babes, people come and go, We wouldn't remain with the same people all our lives. Death does not always have to be the thing to separate us. Every single person in your life  with you for a reason. They're meant to come in and play their part in your life,  and then leave whenever it's time to. It's just how life wants it to be. You know this"
"Fate sent George to me to spend on me, get me expensive stuff. What if he was the financial helper I needed at that time? He literally came for me to enjoy his money, which I did. And fate not wanting us to end up in marriage, asked him to leave after fulfilling his purpose, and I let him go, one can never go against fate you know", she added.
"I must also add this. It's that some guys are not to be dated for love. Because there's no amount of love you show him that would stop him from acting like the rest of his fellow men. It would not stop him from womanizing or being silly. This is why as a lady, one needs to be smart. If he's rich, Try and secure enough for your pocket, enjoy those expensive stuff he has to offer, so that when he fucks up, you can easily push him one side and move on with your life without feeling jilted or something. It's simply leveraging on what you have to get what you want. Because whether you like it or not, he'd most likely still break your heart. That's why I don't totally disagree with ladies who say men are scum because some men are greedy! And sometimes, men also deserve a taste of the pill they serve ladies.
When she was done, I couldn't help but burst into laughter at how she spoke like she was lecturing her younger sister and prepping her on what the dating world looked like.
"You remind me of a meme I saw on twitter, where the thread said 'Rich and a cheat or broke and faithful', and then a lady was like 'it's better to cry in Dubai with millions in my account than in a Danfo bus with two thousand naira in my account'.
"Coming from a genius lady...soft life or nothing...that's the theme of my life Yoo!", she cheered. "It's even sweeter when he  isn't stingy and loves to spend".
"Being a good girl does not always pay my dear...many of these men deserve to chop shege".
"That's your conviction though and whether or not you're right, just be careful please", I replied.
"In fact I trust you to always use your head", I added. Jane was a sweet girl, but she never allowed shits from any man she dated,. In almost eight years of our friendship, I had known Jane to be a typical hard girl. Not the hard girl that never used to fall in love, but the one that never gave room for 'nonsense' from any man. She never hesitated to put them in their place when they tried to fuck up. She was for the soft life and No man was going to show her 'shege'-in her words.
"Exactly, you know the vibes", she smiled and winked at me as she nudged me for a fist bump.
"Enough about me now, let's talk about how did it go with the guy your father wants you to get married to? How was your meeting with him"
"That...", I rolled my eyes and hissed. "I gisted you about how rough it was, remember", I said and she nodded in affirmation.
"So we met again, this time in this company, with my father and his"
"For real? Why again?", She questioned.
"So, I think kenneth and his father went for a meeting or something, so his father decided that they stop by on their way back to see his friend...since my father happened to be at the office", I replied and facepalmed.
"Nothing serious was done though...they didn't spend up to one hour here. My father and Mr Prescott did most of the talking while Kenneth and I just stared blankly and waited for the meeting to be over."
"I guess it was just a plan to make you both meet again". Jane said and I hissed.
"Must have been very awkward", Jane said quietly.
"And too boring for me!!." I added.
"Even recently, we were supposed to meet last week Tuesday at his father's my father's wish again. You wouldn't believe I got to company and was told to wait that he was out of the company for a meeting, only for me to be told by his receptionist after two whole hours that he wouldn't be able to attend to me anymore  that day and that he was going to get back to me sometime later", I recounted my experience with an irritated expression on my face.
"And what did you do?", She frowned.
"I left of course, what should I have done?", I replied with a snortle.
"Oh no, you're too calm Dara. Such can never happen to me. Even that receptionist would have collected a share of my anger. Infact no single being in that environment would have been spared".
"The way I'd have scratched their faces ehn! I would have barged into his office to actually see why he wasted my time...rubbish!" She hissed.
"Hmnn...queen of violence!". I teased her and laughed.
"But, you know violence is not always it, I wasn't even in the mood for a scene that day"
"Just imagine if he was in there with some lady", she said angrily.
"Well his business", I said in a singsong manner. "I'm over that incident already please, he can go to hell with whatever thing or lady he was with"
"We are supposed to meet today, by daddy's wish again, for something I'm very sure is unrelated to the project", I rolled my eyes.
"Wait...Is that where you said you would be going later today", she gave me a questioning look while I wiggled my brows in affirmation.
"Despite how he disrespected you the last time you went?", She frowned.
"Why on earth would you still go to see him?", She hit her fists on her thighs in frustration and grumbled.
"Actually, I got a mail from his Personal Assistant, saying we should meet at 1pm at Presdav corporations. I am guessing the meeting is regarding the contract project we have together".
"If you think so...just remember if he ever tries to delay you again or do something nasty, you have a friend who holds a black belt in karate", she said authoritatively with a smug look.
"Yes boss", I replied and chuckled as I did the military salute for her.
"I'd be good and remain easy-going don't worry ", I gave her a relaxing look.
"Don't be easy going please, give violence unto whom violence is due", she eyed me and sneered while we both laughed at her joke.
"I should be leaving in less than an hour", I said.
"That reminds me, would you be home all day? I need to crash at your place for the night", I calmly asked.
"Why not? My place is always open for you, you know". She replied and stretched to hold my left hand.
"I understand you need to cool off, and I'd always be available for you", she warmly said as she stared into my face and gently massaged my hand in her palms. I sighed and nodded.
"So What's up with mum now?", She asked.
"Well, it's still the same. I can't blame her, you know, apparently she's acting from some naivety as she thinks Kenneth is a saint here, from what she saw the first time we met and also the pressure of the whole marriage thing and she has to deal with Dad as well, you know."
"But she's still taking it easier on me, really...and I think she's trying to be as understanding as possible". I pursed my lips.
"She's not as obstinate as your dad, thankfully".
"Yeah right" I replied.
"I'd be leaving soon as well, I have to get to my mum's house, help her with a few stuff then drive her to the airport"
"Oh, she's leaving for Abuja today?"
"Yeah, she is", she replied and pursed her lips as she raised her eyebrows.
"Grandmother duties", I smiled slightly.
"Just remember that we need more babies so You and Dave should just hasten up", I pouted and wiggled my eyebrows at her.
"We would get through the 'get-to-know-me' stage first, at least", she grunted and rolled her eyes.
"I hear you...if you like, take a century to get to know each other, okay?", I sneered and laughed.
"Uhmm, why don't you just drop me off?"
"Muri called already and said he wouldn't be returning the car from the mechanic's workshop until the next two hours and I don't think I wanna wait that long anymore", I added.
She raised an eyebrow at me and said, "I think you might just have to book an Uber".
"Wait, where's the company located?", She asked.
"Sawyer street, Victoria Island". I responded.
"Hmnnn...", she rubbed her chin and dimmed her eyes.
"I know it's a bit off your way but don't worry you don't have to drop me right in front of the building...pleeeassee", i pleaded when I heard her sigh.
"Hughhhh...I'm not even familiar with Sawyer street", she shook her head and sighed.
"Tried checking it on the map...see", I showed her my phone screen.
"Hmm, when did you become this smart?". She sneered.
"Really?", I eyed her and she burst into a brief laughter.
"Okay fine, I think you were right. I'd drop you off"
"Aww thanks my lo..."
"Only because it's not totally off my way", she cut me.
"So cut this your mushiness", she muttered, feigning a disgusted look.
"There she goes again...pathetic antiromantic", I eyed her as I angrily withdrew my arms from the embrace she turned down when she interrupted me.
"I just hope you don't scare Dave away like this".
"Ohh please...spare me that", she laughed.
"Go get ready, let's be outta here in a few".
"Ayye...mademoiselle", I yelled from under my table as I buckled my shoes.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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