Soooo...We're Sacrificial Pirates?

Start from the beginning

Saki just grins, not caring about the growing bump on her head. "I'm gonna fight!" A flowery aura surrounded the swordswoman.


After the eventful argument about Saki's wellbeing, the remaining crewmembers– consisting of Nami, Zoro, Robin, Chopper, and Saki– boarded the Going Merry, preparing to set sail with Saki's boat in tow.

As Zoro lifts the anchor, Saki pales. "Wait, Zoro-san, don't!!"


It was too late.

The ship begins to shake, throwing them all off balance. Nami clung to the railing of the ship while Chopper clutches Saki's leg in fear, Robin anchored herself in place with her extra hands, and Zoro barely stayed on his feet.

"Stop! What's going on?!" Nami panics, eyes wide.

Chopper screams in terror as the Going Merry was lifted higher and higher into the air, revealing a massive lobster with the word 'kami' written on its head in bold letters.

"A lobster??!!!" Saki gasps. "Like the one that brought us here, but bigger!! A lot bigger!"

'No shit.'

"It's carrying us away!" Zoro yells. "Jump overboard!! There's still time!" he orders, pointing toward the open cloud sea.

"But what about the Going Merry?! Without the ship–!" Chopper starts.

"Don't worry! I'll stay with it!!"

"What?! But what can you do all by yourself?!" Nami presses in scepticism.

"I'll stay with him," Saki suggests. "We'll be fine!"

They were not fine as Robin soon points out, "They've made sure we can't abandon ship."

"Those are gigantic sky fish! See?!"

"They're chasing after us with their mouths open!"

"If we jumped, they'd get us for sure!"

"Well, there goes Plan A," Saki sighs.


"Can't we beat up the lobster?!" Chopper frantically suggests, jumping down from Saki's arms.

"It probably wouldn't do any good. It's already begun," Robin states steadily.

"Heaven's punishment. Instead of coming after us, they're bringing us to them. Very clever," the swordsman praises, clenching his jaw.

'Why is he complimenting them?!'

"Then were going to the forbidden island??!!" Nami asks, eyes doubling in size, alarmed.

"LUFFY! USOPP! SANJI!" Chopper and Nami scream in horror. "HELP US!!"


'Should I help...?'



Zoro crossed two of his swords in an 'x' shape while his Wado Ichimonji was held in his mouth, blocking the attack of a sky shark midair as it had pounced toward the ship.

"There it is! Zoro!!" Nami yells in worry.

"It's a shark! A sky shark's got Zoro!" Chopper cries in horror.

The sky shark drags Zoro with it into the cloudy water below with a large splash. "He'll be fine," Saki waves off their concern. "He's strong!"

The water was deadly calm as Chopper and Nami had their mouths open, gaping in realisation. "He's not coming up! Did it eat him?!"

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