Chapter 1: Sakura Blooming Future

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The next day

I'm sitting on a couch in the first floor living room, relaxing with Onee-chan's tail wrapped around me like a blanket as she snuggles up to me. Jane is looking through her phone, Jeanne is upstairs in her room, Karato-nee is continuing her research while mom and dad are going about their business.

"Nya." Houseki meows as she plays with Arthur, our pet Beagle. An energetic and friendly yet idiotic dog.

What a nice and peaceful morning. I could fall asleep right now.

"Wah!" Onee-chan exclaims, catching my attention and I turn to see Pershing, our second large dog standing on the couch, looking alert.

Pershing is a German Shepherd. He acts as the family guard dog and is cautious of strangers and new people. We found him as a pup, injured and abandoned in front of our house when we were last in Japan.

"What's wrong, Pershing?" Onee-chan asks him before he suddenly jumps over the couch and bolts to the front door. He begins whining and scratching on it as if excited or distressed.

Onee-chan and I exchange looks before we walk over to Pershing.

"What's wrong?" I ask him and he turns to me and whines before pawing the front door, saying he wants to go outside.

"Is Pershing okay?" Houseki asks as she walks over to us followed by Arthur.

I open the front door and Pershing bolts towards the front gate and scratches on it. What's going on with him?

"Oh." Onee-chan says when she suddenly sniffs the air.

"Our guests are here." Onee-chan says and I hear car doors opening in front of the house.

Dimitri-san and Aiz-san are here. But why is Pershing so excited? He's usually calm when they visit.

"Pershing, heel, calm down." I tell him and he steps back from the front gate as I approach it.

I open the front gate and Pershing suddenly bolts outside.

"Pershing!" I call out to him when I hear a yelp and someone fall down. Onee-chan and I rush outside to see that Pershing tackled a girl down and is... licking her face?

Pershing is whining in excitement and wagging his tail in what is possibly the happiest I've ever seen him as he snuggles into the girl.

The girl in question has long black hair and deep blue eyes who curiously looks back up at Pershing before she reaches her hands up and starts petting his face when...

Wings fold out from her back?!

And they aren't feathered wings like bird beast folk... but... dragon wings similar to Jane's... however hers don't appear like a European dragon's, but rather more like a... 'fairy' dragon's...

"Hayasaka, are you okay?!" A woman with long bright blonde hair and yellow eyes exclaims in worry as she checks on the girl.

"I've never seen Pershing this excited..." A man with blonde hair and fierce blue eyes says.

These two are Aiz and Dimitri Tsurumaki, friends and benefactors of our family and quite possibly the richest family in Japan.

Watching Pershing and this girl, Hayasaka, being affectionate with each other...

"It looks like they know each other." Onee-chan says what's on my mind as my parents rush out the house to see what's going on.

"Pershing!" Dad calls out and Pershing gets off the girl but sits next to her as she sits up.

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