HAU - Jealous

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Since you and Applejack have been dating, you have never truly felt happier. She truly was the most perfect girl for you.

"Over here Y/N!" Rainbow Dash called out to you, the rest of the girls already being there, including Applejack, who looked at you smiling.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash put her arm around you, shocking both you and Applejack, who raised a brow in suspicion.

"So here's the deal. You. Me, one on one on the court." She said excitedly pulling you in.

You looked over at AJ who gave a nod of approval, and you quickly accepted. "Absolutely."


The two of you then ran off to the court as the rest of the gang just remained sitting on the bleachers chatting and laughing to each other, all except Applejack who began to eye Rainbow Dash.

The two of you finish your game and make your way over.

"Here you go hon." Applejack said offering a bottle of water to you.

You go to accept the offer, placing one foot on the bleachers to reach her, "Thanks whoa-" you begin to slip, and before AJ could pull you back up, Rainbow swooped in and caught you.

The two of you blushed before she gently placed you back on the ground.

"S-sorry." She mumbled.

"It's okay, right AJ?" You ask, turning to see she wasn't there.

The rest of the girls murmured and shook their heads in confusion, pointing to the exit. Without a second thought you ran after your girlfriend.

Applejack was behind the school gym, knees to her chest as she buried her face in her hat holding back tears.

"I know Y/N would never do that on purpose.." Applejack mumbled to herself trying to ease the pain. But she couldn't help it, after all you were in Rainbow Dash's arms for a second too long.

"Hey AJ." You smiled nervously as you walked up to her.

"Hey Y/N..." she said, her smile fading fast.

"Is everything okay?" You ask.

"Yep!" The country girl lied (not very well) trying to hide her feelings, "..everything s'all good."

Your face became painted with worry, "AJ I know when you're trying to hide something."

"N-no. I ain't trying to hide anything!" The cowgirl pouted.

"Mhm.." you mumbled, your mind beginning to wander. Was she perhaps, jealous? Well it never hurts to ask.

"Hey AJ, you aren't jealous of Rainbow Dash are you now?" You slyly ask.

Her face then begins to glow a bright red, "N-no... of course not, that's silly, why should I be jealous?" Her emotions were becoming more obvious now than ever.

"Applejack.." You protest.

She sighs, "okay... I maybe got a tad bit jealous.." she explains herself, "it's just seeing the way Dash held you made me feel... hurt in some kind of way, felt as if my heart was being wrung like a wet washcloth."

You begin to feel bad about how careless you had been, "I am very sorry AJ, perhaps if I had paid attention to your feelings you wouldn't have got so upset."

You then feel her arm snake around your shoulder as she pulls you in, "it's alright sugar cube, I know you didn't mean no harm." She says putting her hat on your head.

"Cmon, lets get back to Twilight and them." She says grabbing your arm, smiling as the two of you made your way back to the bleachers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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