HAU - Notes

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You were bored one day in class, the teacher wasn't even teaching but rambling on and on about random stuff. You sigh looking at your blank pages, and instinct kicked in and you begin to doodle.

Random drawings here, and a few squiggly lines there, that was until you glanced over to your right.

Sitting a few seats down was your crush and bestfriend, Applejack.

The way she had her head resting on her hand struggling to stay awake from the teacher's ramblings made your heart begin to race.

You suddenly begin to draw hearts with your guys' initials together, and even do a small drawing of the sight you could see from across the room.

You sigh happily, admiring your page dedicated to expressing your love to AJ.

"One day.."

Lunch time came around finally, and you meet up with AJ and begin walking to the cafeteria.

Once you find your table you place your books down and pull out your lunch.

Lunch time went as usual, the casual laughing and story telling, and talking about class.

"Hey, where's Pinkie and Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh they're busy with the--" you cut yourself off with a gasp

"Everything okay sugar?" AJ asked.

"No! I completely forgot I was supposed to help them out setting up for Fluttershy's fundraiser in the gym! So sorry guys but I gotta go." You said collecting your things, dashing off.

"Y/N! Wait!" AJ called out to you, but by then you were long gone. "Your notebook!"

-- meanwhile in the gym --

You finally arrive and burst through the doors.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I completely spaced it!" You said wiping the sweat off your forehead as you set your things down.

"It's okay.." Fluttershy said with a smile, "did you bring the pamphlets I asked you to print out?"

"Yes, I have them right here." You said, smiling as you hand the stacks to Fluttershy and Pinkie.

"Oh, and the tape?"

"Ah yes, it's right--" You froze, you found the tape alright, but quickly scanning over your backpack, you realized that ONE notebook was missing.

"Is everything alright?" Pinkie asked.

"Yep," you gulp, "here's the tape."

As the other two began happily decorating, you anxiously await your impending doom that was sure to come.

-- back at the cafeteria --

AJ sighs, "That girl, always a scatterbrain."

"You sure said it AJ, never seen her so worked up before." Rainbow added.

"Well I'll just give this to her next period, we have math together anyways." She replied, picking up the book.

As she did though, a bunch of lose folded papers fell out the bottom as the bell rang.

"Well catch ya later!" the girls called out to each other.

"Wait! Help me-- oh forget it.." AJ groaned, picking up the papers.

She rolled her eyes flipping through the pages, "we've got to get you a folder or something y/--"

She quickly stumbled across the page you had entirely dedicated to her earlier and began to blush as tears welded in her eyes.

Once she finished admiring your drawings, she tucked away the loose papers and began making her way to the gym.

-- back at the gym --

"Thanks for your help, it means a lot to me and the little creatures that need homes too." Fluttershy said to you and Pinkie with a smile.

You quickly put your worries about AJ away for a second and smiled, saying, "Of course Fluttershy."

"Anything for my besties~!" Pinkie called out.

"Well I'll see you guys later." Fluttershy said making her way for the door as you and Pinkie do the same, exiting the gym.

As you wave your goodbyes, you make a sharp right, running straight into AJ who was waiting outside the doors for you.


You froze, remembering what you had left in the cafeteria and you become even more anxious and nervous seeing what was clutched in the cowgirl's arms.

"H-hey AJ." You nervously mumbled.

She chuckled, putting her arm around you, "Come with me for a spell."

"What about class--"

"Shhhhh." AJ shushed you, her face extremely close to yours.

You could feel your heart about to explode from the excitement, as she lead you into one of the homerooms which was completely pitch black and empty inside.

She locked the door behind her and shut the blinds on the doors as well.

"AJ what are we doing here?" you whispered.

She sat on one of the desks and pulled you in by the wrist.

"I was gonna return your notebook to ya, when some papers fell out and when I went to put them back I found a lil something." She giggled.

You bury your face in your hands in embarrassment already knowing your fate.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing really.. well it is something but, what I mean is..."

You feel as she pulls your hands away from your face, and you look up to see her smiling.

"It's alright sugar cube, if anything I'm flattered, no one has ever drawn me so beautifully." She smiled.

You feel as your face turns more red.

"Hey." she calls out to you, lifting your chin up with her fingers, "I've always had my eye on you since the day we met, back then I was in denial too so I know what its like to hide your feelings from the person you feel 'em for but now is the time we truly be honest with ourselves."

Her warm words caused you to smile, pulling her in for a hug.

"Thank you AJ." You said holding back tears.

"No problem sugar, just lookin out for ya."

You pull back and stare into the cowgirl's eyes, even in the dark her green eyes shone brighter than ever.

Your faces begin to lean closer, she cocks her head side ways and tucks your hair behind your ear as she softly plants a kiss on your lips.

Your long time dream come true finally happened, you had waited so long for this moment.

As you pull away, you rest your cheek on her hand, "Oh AJ..."

She smirked, "Y/N..."

Without a second thought you go in for another kiss, catching Applejack by surprise but nonetheless she gives in, feeling as your tongue slipped into her mouth as the two of you began to passionately make out.

"Whoa.. I've never felt anything like this before.." She said breathing heavily, fighting the urge to do something unholy in the classroom.

"I've waited so long for this moment." You said, sitting next to her on the desk resting your head on her shoulder.

She wraps her arm around you and pulls you in closer, "Me too sugar cube."

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