HAU - Cuddles

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You and Applejack have been dating for a few weeks now but have yet to really make any big moves.

Sure you share the occasional kisses and hand holding but nothing to drawn out or else either one of you would get super shy.

So one casual afternoon, you laid on the cowgirl's bed right beside her watching TV together.

As you were silently watching, you couldn't help but glance over at the farm girl's gorgeous visuals in the glistening sun.

Her blonde hair illuminated by the rays of the sunset, her green eyes that were so fixated on the screen were so vibrant and beautiful, and her features outlined by the light peaking through. She was truly breathtaking.

She noticed you staring and turned to you blushing slightly.

"Uhh... what's up sugar cube?" She nervously asked.

You sighed happily, "Oh nothing AJ.. you just look so pretty right now."

Her face began to beam a bright red and she quickly covered her face with her hat.

"W-what makes you say that now?" She asked flustered.

You grab her wrist and pull her hat away from her face, using your other hand to caress her cheek, causing her blush to intensify.

You smile as you kiss her forehead and pull yourself into her chest, hearing as her heart beat began to speed up.

At first, AJ wanted to rip you off of her as she felt too embarrassed, but the more she thought about it and saw how comfortable you were, she realized just how true your love was for her and quickly reciprocated the hug, pulling you in tighter.

You begin to breathe in her scent, the smell of hard work and sweat mixed with her sweet smelling shampoo and a dab of perfume.

She sighs, "Oh Y/N... you always know how to make me blush.."

"I sure do." You giggle, "..and getting this in return is all I could ever ask for."

"You said it sugar.." Applejack said, her eyes beginning to feel heavy.

You both spend the next couple of minutes just enjoying each other's presence, having the noises from the TV play in the background.

You then get an idea for something to do and decide to pitch it to AJ.

"Hey, before the sun sets we should-"

As you sit up you see as Applejack had completely fallen asleep, drooling and mumbling to herself as she dreamt.

You smile as your heart begins to melt, and quickly pull her into your chest this time, to which she repositions herself while still asleep.

You take off her hat and begin to comb through her hair with your fingers, as she continues to sleep peacefully with her snores becoming louder.

Chuckling to yourself, you watch as your girlfriend drools on your shirt and continues to sleep peacefully without a care in the world.

Kissing her forehead, you get one more good look at her face, before drifting off to sleep yourself.

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