I wasn't sure how to feel since last night.

Y/n just took off without saying much. It felt like Y/n was choosing Minji and her friends over spending a night with me.

Even after Miji called me that Y/n was been rushed to the hospital.... I felt a bit betrayed.

It wasn't until I got to the hospital that I realized what had actually happened.

"Right! So, you get some rest and I'll go home to pack you some things while you stay in the hospital," I chose to tease Y/n.

"I said I love you," Y/n seemed a little shocked.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a few hours!" I gave Y/n a smile before turning to head back home.

"I- I- I SAID I LOVE YOU!!" I heard Y/n yelled from out of their hospital room.

I smirked to myself knowing what I had just done was going to drive Y/n crazy.

It was Y/n's first time saying "I love you".....

I knew it was wrong of me to not say it back.... even though I wanted to so bad.... but this was Y/n's little punishment for worrying me all night.

I drove myself back home to pack up some things for Y/n and I quickly found myself getting scolded by dad.

"Do you not know how to keep Y/n on check?! If you hadn't let Y/n go out last night then Y/n wouldn't be in the hospital right now!" Daddy was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Daddy, don't you rather have someone who would die for the people they love in our family than someone who would just leave you to die?" I tried to reason with dad.

Dad was being too unfair about Y/n.

"You're right, Princess!" Daddy luckily replied.

I sighed of relief and quickly ran up to hug my dad.

Daddy had been so nice lately that is was hard not to feel safe in his arms.

"Why don't you go into my study and help me out with some paperwork? I need your opinion on a few deals. Maybe you could get Y/n's input too. Y/n has a skill for business just like their dad," Dad kissed my forehead before turning me to his study.

"Okay, but I'm only helping so I have something to talk about with Y/n while they're in the hospital for the next few days," I sassed.

"Okay, fine. You have free range to be able to talk to Y/n about as many things as you like!" Dad chuckled a bit.

I gave him a smile before heading over to his office.

I actually really liked it when dad asked for my opinion on business deals. He actually respected my decision and it helped me to know that he wasn't being shady.

"Okay, let's do this!" I whispered to myself as I stared at the pile of paperwork daddy had

I rolled up my sleeves a bit and got to it.

I picked up the first contract proposal and 2 pages in....

I got bored.

The next one was 1 page before I got bored....

So, were the next 5.

"These deals are ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes to myself.

I picked up a fresh new batch of papers and was suddenly intrigued by the first line in the contract.

"All liability lies on the contractors Jang and Nishimura. The contract shall end once the project is completed. Project M-"

I gasped in completely shock.

"No!" I whispered in a panic.

"This can't be," I was in disbelief.

I quickly got off my father's desk and walked out to confront him.

"Daddy, what's this?" I asked a bit nervous.

"What? What's is it? Read it to me," dad responded.

I began to read the contract as he requested and he quickly got up to snatch it from my hands.

"Haha, this is just a private demo contract Mr. Nishimura and I have drafted up. Don't take it to seriously!" Dad nervously responded.

I shook my head in disbelief at the fact that dad would lie to me. I crossed my arms and asked him in disappointment.....

"You set it up?"

I was trying to hold my tears back at this point.

I was in completely disbelief that my father would be so reckless and lie to my face.

"Wony, it- it was just- we didn't mean for anyone to get hurt," Dad stumbled on his words.

Daddy only ever did that when he knew he had fucked up.

"YOU HIRED SOMEONE TO KILL DANIELLE'S FAMILY!!" I yelled at the fucking audacity father had.

"Look, I didn't mean for Y/n to get hurt!" Dad answered.


"Please, it was never about Y/n. Y/n's gone through this once. It wouldn't be so hard to go through it again," daddy responded as if it the most normal thing to say.

"What?!" I was completely shocked.

"I'm just saying that Y/n got through this last time. Y/n's strong enough to get through it again," daddy pulled me into a hug to comfort me.

My emotions were so all over the place that I hugged dad back...

That's until it dawned on me...

"What do you mean Y/n's gone through this before?" I sniffled a bit skeptical.

"Y/n's lost their dad before and gotten over it. Losing their friend wouldn't be as bad," dad responded without hesitation.

I pulled away from daddy's embrace a bit confused.

Dad seemed to be trying to be nice, but it sounded all wrong.

I got a hold of my emotions and decided to not coward away from what I was actually thinking...

"Y/n's dad didn't die from a heart attack, did he?"










Author's Note: How would you feel if you got scolded after saving someone?

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