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Wonyoung had taken Y/n home.

After what happened with Minji, Jang didn't want to risk the girls showing up at Y/n's house.

Even worse than that, Wonyoung didn't want Y/n going home triggered....

The play had a lot of scenes where there were a lot of parent issues....

Most specifically, The main character had lost their dad.

- Wonyoung POV -

As we were driven back home from the play, I suddenly found myself thinking about about Y/n's dad.

Y/n's dad was a wonderful man.

He knew that at times..... it wasn't worth it to leave Y/n behind with their mom...

So, he brought Y/n along on his business trips...

Just like my dad did.


Y/n's dad was rushed to the hospital one night.

He had sent Y/n out on a simple coffee run..

It was just supposed to be a simple night but while Y/n was running an errand for their dad....

Y/n's father had passed.

"Don't tell Y/n anything!" Daddy told me as we sat in the emergency room.

"What?!" I asked in anger.

Y/n deserved to to know.

"Please, ju-just keep Y/n calm,"

For once in my life, dad seemed to be really concerned for someone who wasn't him.

I rushed to hug him and suddenly....

Y/n walked into the hospital.

My heart broke watching Y/n ask the nurses where their dad was.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Y/n cried out when none of the nurses dare to tell Y/n what happened.

Daddy pushed me towards Y/n, trying to encourage me to lie and comfort them....

But I couldn't do that.

"Jang, what's going on?!" Y/n asked in a panic.

I held my breath for a second...

I didn't know what to say to Y/n.

"Y/n, your- your dad has passed," I managed to get the words out.

"What?" I heard Y/n's voice cracked

"Your dad... he- he had a heart attack," I chocked up.

"What?" Y/n's voice was barely coherent.

"H-he didn't make it," I stuttered.

"My dad's dead?" Y/n asked with a broken voice.

I couldn't do anything but pull Y/n into a hug and let Y/n break down in my embrace.

"No... I-I'm not ready for this," Y/n mumbled in my arms.

I held Y/n for hours....

I was trying to comfort Y/n or console them but none of my efforts brought any resorts.

It got to the point where I genuinely thought that Y/n was gonna die themselves from the painful cries that had not stopped for hours.

We were overseas without the comfort of Y/n's friends or mom or my mom or my sister...

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