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Dr. Pham was in the Operation Room, sweating, attempting to stop Y/n from internally bleeding.

She had driven 3 hours from Busan to Seoul just to make sure Y/n was okay... but once Hanni informed her that there was no competent surgeon in Mr. Nishimura's hospital... her objective changed.

"We've temporarily stopped the bleeding but it will only last for so long. It's possible that the blood pumping can start blood clots and umm... other more.... fatal... problems," The nurse tried to explain to us.

"Don't worry. We have a competent surgeon on the way," Hanni coldly told the nurse.

"Just prepare the operation room with your best team," Wonyoung ordered the nurse.

"Yes, Ms. Jang!" The nurses bowed at her.

- Wonyoung POV -

Everyone was eagerly waiting in the hospital waiting room.

Mr. Nishimura was too upset about his police station arresting his son, so he didn't stick around for long.

It was really strange to say,

But for once in my life....

I felt really supported.

I finally got to see first hand what Y/n held deep to their heart.

I finally got to see why the girls meant so much to Y/n.

It was clear to me that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

The girls were so prepared and acted instantly without hesitation.

Even after all the shit Y/n had put them through and even after everything the girls had done to Y/n....

They were all this each other's safe place.

"Mom!" Hanni suddenly exclaimed.

"Dr. Pham, what happened?!" Minji ran up to ask.

Dr. Pham just shook her head.

The whole waiting room went silent.

"This hospital staff sucks," Dr. Pham kept shaking her head.

"Mom, don't do that!!" Hanni whined as she ran into her mom's arms.

"Y/n will be okay. Just give them a few hours to rest and recover from the anesthesia," Dr. Pham told us all.

"Good job on seeking help form the girls, Ms. Jang," Dr. Pham directed at me.

I nodded at her and then gave her a bow.

"Well, I'm gonna take the girls out to dinner. You know, make sure they don't try to wake Y/n up on their own. Would you like us to bring you back anything?" Mr. Kim told Dr. Pham.

"Yeah, Hanni know what I like. Thank you," Dr. Pham answered him.

We all bowed one last time as Hanni's mom retreated back to her emergency duties.

"Alright! Come on girls!" Mr. Kim gathered up all the girls.

I wasn't sure what to do.

So, I sat down to wait.

I took out my phone and sighed.

Suddenly, someone stood in front of me.

"You coming?" Minji asked as I lifted my head.

I looked at her for a second and then turned to look at the rest of the girls.

"Come on! You're part of the group now!" Dani suddenly came to pull me up from my seat.

"Hurry up, I'm starving!" Hanni exclaimed.

My heart fluttered at their cute gesture.

Mr. Kim ended up taking us all to a restaurant nearby.

It was hard to believe that it had been a whole day of Y/n being in the hospital.

Since, Mr. Kim was the chairman of the school and exams were over. I wasn't too worried about missing school.

It seemed like the girls had a system for that too.

While we all ate, I got to learn everyone's side of what happened with Y/n. More specifically.... Mr. Kim's point of view.

It seemed like he was just a worried dad....

But it also seemed like he was also a little prejudice...

He was the only one out of everyone who knew who's Y/n's new father was.

"Heyyy, my juice!"

"Unnie, can you pass me the ketchup!"

"Girls, calm down!"

It actually really nice to see the girls all playful and happy.

They weren't fighting anymore.

They're were all actually really really nice.

I think I too had misjudged them.

After a few hours of just relaxing at the restaurant and getting to know each other, we returned to the hospital.

When we walked into Y/n room, Dr. Pham was checking Y/n's vitals.

"Great news. Y/n is doing great!" Dr. Pham told the group.

"Sunbae has always been a strong fighter," Hyein commented.

Dr. Pham chuckled and gave her a wink, "that's right!"

"Ahh, you're awake!!" Haerin suddenly exclaimed.

All the girls rushed over to flood Y/n's hospital bed and I couldn't help but smile.

"Woahh, get off of Y/n's bed. You're not little kids that can cuddle up in the hospital bed with Y/n anymore!" Dr. Pham suddenly told all the girls.

"Can't stop us now! We got time to catch up on!" Hanni responded to her mom with a wide smile.

"Yeahhh!!" All the girls followed after with a very sassy tone.

They were all actually really silly together.

"Alright, alright. At least ask Y/n if it's okay?" Dr. Pham hesitated.

"Actually, I think you girls have to ask my future wife!" Y/n spoke up.

I giggled at the cute gesture and nodded.

"It's okay. I know the girls have good intentions!" I smiled.

Y/n's eyes light up and gave me a wide smile.

"Come here," Y/n requested.

I walked over and Y/n pulled me down into a kiss.

I breathe out in relief against Y/n's lips then pulled away.

I could see that all the girls seemed a little jealous but I knew now that neither them nor Y/n were willing to lose their relationship over anything.

Not even for a silly relationship that could ruin their whole group bound.

"Yay!".... "I'm so glad you're okay,"..... "Me first!".... "I missed you,"..... "We love you so much,"....

The girls all started cuddling up with Y/n...

Y/n looked happier than I had ever seen them.

"Let's hope this lasts forever," I thought to myself.








Author's Note: Who's Y/n gonna end up with? :3

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