Chapter 6 : Smile

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" Wow , this tastes amazing except you added too much salt but it's good nonetheless . Where did you learn how to make this ? It's incredible ."

Peaches moaned when her taste buds exploded with different flavors blending together to make the perfect taste on her salivating mouth . She couldn't deny that it was the best meal she had tasted in what seemed like forever but It was nothing compared to her food .

Peter's dish was something quite different with bold mixtures of spices and the cheese on top gave the final touches . She was certainly impressed but mostly mind blown because she least expected it from the man . That's why the brunette was looking at Peter in a different perspective from which she had when they first met . It turns out she had been completely wrong about him this entire time .

" I'm really honored that you out of all people think my dish tastes good , that's like a big achievement to accomplish . " Peter joked before biting into his chicken Tetrazzini .

" Oh just stop with the modesty ... you should take credit for making this delicious meal . Who would've thought that a pizza delivery guy would be this great when it comes to cuisine-- this is like my kind of level when it comes to cooking ." Peaches said with beaming eyes as she stared at the flushed man in front of her .

" If you say so then I won't dispute with that ." Peter answered with a dimpled smile and Peaches found it hard to look away ,  entranced by his extremely captivating features .

" Have you been to a culinary school before ?" she inquired distractedly before taking another bite . 

" Ah well , I was raised by my grandmother and she loved cooking so everyday I would watch her do her thing in the kitchen , some days I would help her peel off some vegetables ... I think that's how my love for cooking started but I've never considered going to school for it ."

" But why ?"

" I had other plans with my future and funny enough , they all crashed down and now I'm just known for delivering pizza ."

" What plans did you have ?" Peaches incited with her curiously evident in the way she looked at him while chewing on her food . Her brown eyes were glued on him but the man was looking elsewhere . She gulped down when she noticed that Peter's distant eyes were on her exposed chest before clearing her throat to snap him out of it .

" I'm sorry , I zoned out a bit ... it's just that I've never really talked about this with anyone and I-- I thought that I had put everything past me but the truth is that I haven't . I still wish to have achieved my dreams ..."

" You're not obligated to tell me anything Peter so don't hurt your feelings by remembering all of that . Let's rather talk about something positive ."

" No it's fine ... If it's you then I really don't mind ." Peter answered sincerely .

Peaches hid her smile by cupping her mouth to make it look like she was still chewing . She was suddenly feeling warmness spreading all over her body , the pits of her stomach fluttering like a caged bird trying to free itself . She knew in an instant that those were butterflies and the feeling was all too familiar .

Hearing Peter saying those words made her feel good about herself for managing to break through the man's armored walls . When she had first laid eyes on him , she instantly knew that he had a barrier around himself that separated him from the entire world . Maybe he had built his walls the day he realised that he was all alone with no one to fend for him . A person like that was bound to protect themselves from the painful jabs that life distributed once in a while .

Peaches herself could relate to that and maybe the universe was doing its job by bringing them together . They were two lost souls who needed each other for the right direction . As cliche as it sounded but Peaches was certain that Peter had not stepped foot on her door step by coincidence . He was led by mother nature .

She snapped out of her stupor when she heard the man's voice again . Peter was now looking down on his half empty plate while playing with his fork thoughtfully .

" Initially I wanted to be a businessman you know , in order to build my family name and change our living situation but I guess life had other plans for me . Things did not go accordingly and here I am ..."

" I'm sorry to hear that Pete ."

" Since when did you start calling me by that name ?"

" Since I realised that you're not so bad after all ."

The blue eyed man laughed wholeheartedly before standing up from his chair to grab the empty plates . Peaches voiced her gratitude while her eyes followed him around the kitchen . She did a double take when she saw the time on the big clock on the wall  . Her face broke into a horrified look when she realised that time had gone by quickly .

Peaches almost patted herself on the back for not thinking about the other chef . She had in all honesty forgotten about his existence for a while because of Peter . That was a big achievement so far .

" Oh my gosh , did you see the time ? It's almost 3 o'clock ." she announced before whipping her head to the side to look at the man .

" Oh no ..." Peter said airily .

" You could always stay the night , I have a spare room so it shouldn't be a problem . I won't let you leave at this hour , it's not safe ." Peaches said without showing any emotion despite her fluttering stomach .

" I simply can't allow you to--"

" And I insist ." she interrupted him , leaving no place for argument .

" I'm really grateful for what you're doing for me Peaches ... no one has shown me such generosity , you are such an amazing person ."

" You don't have to thank me for anything , I'm only doing this because I want to ." she answered before making her way upstairs .
On her way up , she had to take careful steps because of the tight dress that was restricting her from moving a lot . When she reached the hallways , the first thing she did was walk straight to the guest room before stepped inside the dark room . She switched the lights on and looked around the clean space . Luckily she had cleaned a few days ago and there were clean sheets on the bed as well so she decided to call the man up

" Peter , your room is ready !"

" I'm coming !"

" Please grab my phone on your way too ."

" No problem !"

Peaches waited for a good few seconds before the man came running up the stairs . He extended his hand and the brunette took her phone only to see a new message notification . When she clicked on it without much thought , her face instantly fell .

" Who is it? "

" It's no one ." Peaches answered before entering in her room and shutting the door forcefully .

From : Sam Roger
Hey Peach , what are you doing now ?

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