♡|Its Time|♡

15 0 3

"You're missing the big picture. Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal. That's planning to kill the president."
Diego said.

He's absolutely crazy.

"A cabal?"

"Ignore him."
Five said annoyed.

"Look, the way I see it, we only have one option."
Five said.
"Oh, yeah? And what's that?"
Ape man asked.
"It's time to get the umbrella academy back together."

I was excited at the thought I get to see Allison again.

"Hell, yeah. Family meeting."
Diego says.
"Okay, then, can one of you get Allison, please?"
Luther asked.

I perk up
"I volunteer as tribute!"
I said happily.
"You two still a thing?"
Diego asked Luther.
Luther doesn't say anything so Diego leans forward.
"Do we need to talk?"
"No, she's married."

I was shocked.
Allison is married!?

Good, Luther is kind of an ass, well, to me.

"Woah, dude, that's rough."
"I can handle it."
Luther chuckles while still eating his eggs.
"I'll get her."
Five said.
"Can you get vanya without, eh, squeezing her to death?"
Five asked taking my hand and walking towards the door.
I chuckle softly.

"I'll try."
Luther says.
"Wait- is it a good idea for you two to go tog-"
Before Diego could answer me and five teleported away.


~Forbidden~|| Five X Y/N|| Book 2||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat