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Stella had to have shrapnel removed from her abdomen after the fall out from the grenade call. She had not yet woken up from anesthesia. Kelly had updated everyone at 51 in the waiting room and they all retrieved back to 51. Kelly sat at her bedside. Hand placed on top of her blanket covering her legs. As he sat, staring at his wife. Even in a hospital gown, oxygen prongs in her nose, hooked up to vital sign machine. She has never looked more beautiful to him. God, he had almost lost her again. They had only been married months and her life had been put in danger not once but twice now. All stemming from this damn Campbell situation. He was so angry with Pryma, continuously dragging him into these dangerous situations where it had essentially been Stella who was a main casualty of it. He was supposed to protect her. He is her husband. He kept failing her. Again, she never ceased to amaze him. Trying to save Pryma and what she had done in that house to keep her team safe. She was just amazing. The love her has for this woman, his wife was priceless. He continued to watch her peacefully sleep until he himself fell asleep. This day had been exhausting. Filled with anxiety and fear. Kelly knowing his wife was going to be ok was able to close his eyes and wait for her to open those beautiful brown eyes.

Later, Stella woke up. Spotting the water on her bed table. Realizing how thirsty she was. As she reached for the glass. Letting out a grunt as it was extremely painful to move. The shrapnel removed was quite deep in her abdomen. Kelly immediately hearing her and woke up from his slumber. Seeing the pain she was feeling.

"Hi. Baby"

"Ugh. This really hurts"

"Lay back down. Let me get your water"

Kelly handing his wife the glass of water. As she took a big sip he couldn't stop staring at the beauty in from of him.

"Kelly. Babe. Your staring. I'm ok"

"Stella. I'm not gonna ever stop staring at you. I could have lost you. Again."

"I know baby. I'm sorry you went through this. But I'm really ok. Gonna take some time to recover but I'm gonna be just fine. Gonna take a lot more than a little grenade to get rid of me, Kelly Severide"

"I can't explain how good it is to hear your voice, seeing those gorgeous eyes looking back at me. My amazing wife. But can you please just stop trying to give me a heart attack?"

"I believe I have said those exact same words to you"

"Yeah you have"

" Have you been here all night?"
"I'm not going anywhere"

"Kelly. Babe. You are so tired. I'm ok. Why don't you go home. Take a shower. Have something to eat, get some rest"

"Stella. Sweetheart. I appreciate the concern for me but I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE until I walk out of this hospital with you"

"Yeah. That's what I thought"

"Get some rest, my love. I will be right here"

𝙰𝙱𝙲'𝚂 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎Where stories live. Discover now