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"Not like this"

Kelly did not sleep well. Tossing and turning. Restless. Having done something he never thought he would do. Rejecting Stella. Not because he ever wanted to. Truthfully, the last thing he ever wanted to do was reject her. That night when he brought Stella home from Molly's where she had way too much to drink. Stella had been riddled with stress as she unexpectedly had been transferred to the public relations department. So, when she planted a kiss on him. Kelly pushed her away not wanting to take advantage of her vulnerability. Knowing he did the right thing still plagued him. Wanting nothing more than to share a kiss with her. Truth is he was developing big feelings for Stella. He wanted to do this right. Fear took over. Would Stella understand why he pushed her away?

The next morning came way too soon. Stella, still laying on the couch. She was feeling rough. Feeling the effects of the previous night accompanied by a monstrous headache. Stella seemed like she wasn't holding anything against him. They went through the morning with their normal, witty banter routine. However, Kelly still knew he wouldn't feel relief until they had a conversation. Even if Stella didn't remember, it was going to be this thing between them.

Later on after Stella had a long, refreshing shower and settled in on the couch. Turning on a movie.

"Stel. Can I talk to you?"

"Of course"

"So I don't know if you remember much of last night..But.."

"Oh, I remember"

"You do?"

"Yes Kelly, I do. It would be more than ok if we never talked about it again"

"That's the thing. I need to talk about it. I don't want you to have the wrong idea of why..."

"Kelly. I am going to stop you right there. You absolutely did the right thing last night. It was embarrassing. Humiliating even. As I have thought about it...you know, sober. I'm really feeling grateful to you for showing me respect and not wanting to take advantage of me not being myself"

"That is basically what I wanted to talk to you about. I swear, sometimes we have the same mind. Stella, this may be me overstepping but I need you to know if last night had of been under different circumstances. I definitely would of kissed you back"

As Kelly walked away. Stella reeling in her thoughts. What had Kelly meant by that? Did he in fact have feelings for her? Suddenly, her headache came roaring back with her mind racing. Only time would tell as she thought about their possible future.

𝙰𝙱𝙲'𝚂 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن