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Stella had taken the lieutenants exam a few days ago and she still hadn't gotten her results. She was a ball of nerves. Kelly reassured her every step of the way. Casey lent his support as well. It was distracting. All she could do was keep busy and try to not let it consume her. Easier said than done. Kelly was just as nervous but he knew there was nothing to worry about. After all, she's Stella Kidd. She had killed that exam. But confirmation would make it official. Kelly was holding off on telling her what had really been in his mind because he wanted her to only concentrate on preparing for her exam. Kelly wanted to ask Stella to marry him. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind she was his forever. Stella had once said she never wanted to get married again after her marriage to Grant. She never wanted to be put in a position where she couldn't leave. Kelly was nervous about asking her. But at the end of the day he knew they were different. She had said that a long time ago and so much had changed for her. Kelly knew he wanted to marry her.

Later at Molly's. Stella was still very nervous. Still no results. Making sure Kelly knew she made need a distraction later. He was more than happy to offer that distraction for her. As she was clearing tables. Boden walked in and had her exam results. All of the eyes in Molly's were on Boden and Stella. They were a family and everyone wanted this so much for Stella. Boden delivered the wonderful news. She had passed. She was now a lieutenant. Kelly felt pure elation for his girlfriend (and hopefully soon fiancée) Stella jumped into his arms. "I knew you could do it" As Stella received hugs from everyone at 51. Kelly became emotional. He was so proud of Stella. So proud. There were so many reasons he loved her more than life itself. Celebrations continued throughout the night. Eventually, much later. Stella and Kelly returned home. They obviously had their own private celebration filled with pride and passion. As they laid snuggled against each other in bed. Sweaty and happy.

"Stella. I am so proud of you. You did it baby"

"Kelly I couldn't have done it without you. Always encouraging me. Studying with me. Keeping me calm. Thank you. I really am the luckiest girl in the world"

"We're a team. When Boden said lieutenant. I felt pure elation and joy. I had no doubt you had killed the exam. Just having the confirmation. There is no one that deserves this more than you. You're amazing. I'm so excited for you and what you're going to accomplish. The leader you will become"

As Kelly and Stella fell asleep. There was no doubt that they had many good things on the horizon.

𝙰𝙱𝙲'𝚂 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎Where stories live. Discover now