Free Throw

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I knew the confrontation was coming even before the door to the bedroom I shared with Calvin came slamming open

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I knew the confrontation was coming even before the door to the bedroom I shared with Calvin came slamming open.

It was only a matter of time before she went running to her big, bad protector to tell him what I'd done when she confronted me a little over a week ago.

In all honesty, I'd assumed he would've come at me that very night after I'd backed her up against a tree, her sweet big brown doe eyes staring up at me in shock and anger transforming into confusion and then finally dread when she realized exactly who I was to her. 

There was some sort of sick satisfaction that ran through my blood at seeing what the truth was doing to her—like I was being vindicated in some way because she was finally feeling the anger and the hurt that I'd been enduring the entire time I'd known who she really was. 

Seeing her mother—that home wrecker—sitting there all innocent in that cafe alive and breathing, unlike the woman whose life she destroyed.

If I couldn't make her understand what she'd put me through, then maybe I could make her daughter feel it, instead. 

Maybe then that would fill up the hole in my chest that swelled open every time her fucking face swam in my periphery. 

She was everywhere—the dining hall, my fucking classes as a TA, strolling the quad, in my actual fucking home when she came to visit Hart. 

Hart, who was currently beating down my door and standing in the entryway like a raging bull breathing heavily with smoke about to billow out of his ears and nose. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Eyeing Calvin who'd sat up from his spot on the bed while icing his rolled ankle and watching old games on his phone, I shrugged my shoulders after pulling my headphones from my ears.

This was my relaxation time after three practices and seeing as it was a Friday, I was going to be getting as much sleep as possible before my rest day and Hart was seriously fucking that up. 

"Gonna have to be more specific there, Hart."

Colby Hart crossed his arms across his chest and rolled his eyes, mouth set in a sneer.

"Don't play fucking dumb, Rush, even though I'm sure it's not hard to play at something you're so good at."

I was rising from the bed before I even knew what I was doing, but then Calvin was there with a hand on my shoulder to keep me from doing something I would regret in the morning, even if punching that smug bastard in the face would be more than satisfying in the moment.

It wouldn't boost 'team morale' to sock a fellow teammate in the face, and an underclassman at that.

"Watch it, Hart.  What do you want?"

Hart cocked his head at Calvin and let out a disbelieving breath. 

"What do I want?  I want this asshole to stop harassing my sister's best friend!"

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