Training camp

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Izuku and the class had arrived at the cliff.

Kirishima: Hey, why are we stopping here?

Aizawa: You'll find out.

A black limousine pulls up and Mandalay and Pixie-bob do their introductions.

Izuku: Ah, the hero team that specializes in rescue missions.

Pixie-bob: Wow, you're a cutie, you wanna be my mate.

Izuku: Sorry, but I'm taken, and I don't think she approves of this.

Pixie-bob looks at Himiko who is letting out bloodlust and she backs away.

Mandalay: Sorry about her, she still hasn't found anyone yet.

Izuku: It's alright, so, when are we starting?

Mandalay: Right now.

Pixie-Bob then uses her quirk to cause a landslide and everyone went down.

Mandalay: You have 3 hours to get to camp or you won't get anything to eat, also we own the entire land, so you are free to use your quirks.

The class then began fighting off the earth monsters that Pixie-bob created and they were able to arrive on time.

Izuku: Hey Mandalay, who is that?

Izuku points to a young boy.

Mandalay: Oh, that's my Nephew Kota. His parents were killed in a villain attack.

Izuku: Oh, I'm sorry for your loss.

Mandalay: It's okay, he's hated heroes since then, but after what he saw you do at the Sports Festival and during your internship, he started liking them again.

Izuku: Well, I'm glad to hear.

We now go to the hot springs.

Izuku: Ahh, it's so relaxing

Rufus: Yeah, really helps you blow off steam.

Ricky: I can see why you like it, Rufus, it's really nice.

Mineta: Don't you guys know, there is something beautiful behind this wall?

Iida: Mineta, don't do it, it is very inappropriate.

Mineta: I don't care, this is what my quirk was made for.

Mineta started using his balls to climb the wall only to be stopped by Kota.

Kota: What do you think you're doing?

Kota then knocks Mineta off and he falls into the water.

Izuku: Nice move there.

Kota smiled and headed back inside.

At dinner, Izuku brought Kota some food.

Izuku: Hey, I didn't see you at dinner, so I brought you some food.

Kota: Thanks. Hey, can I ask you a question?

Izuku: Sure.

Kota: I know my parents died protecting all those innocent people, but I still wish that they would be here. How do I make the pain go away?

Izuku: Well, going from experience, the pain doesn't leave forever, you try as hard as you want, but it always comes back, the best thing is to remember the best times you had with them, it helps with the pain.

Kota: Thanks.

Izuku: No problem.

Izuku leaves and returns to the others. Over the next few days, the classes have been training, while they were doing the test of courage Izuku and Aizawa see smoke coming from a distance.

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