Entrance Exam and First day.

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Izuku and Himiko arrived at U.A. and were heading to the exam hall.

Present Mic: Hello everyone and welcome to the U.A. entrance exam, can I get a Yeah?

Izuku: Yeah, you go Present Mic.

Himiko: Yeah, you are the best.

Present Mic: Thank you, young listeners, now let's begin the written exam.

Izuku and Himiko did the written Exam and were able to correct the errors.

We now go to when the practical.

Present Mic: Okay everyone, it's now time for the practical.

Present Mic then proceeds to explain all the robots, and Izuku was able to cover Iida's mouth with his cards to prevent him from interrupting Present Mic.

Izuku and Himiko rushed into their respective fake cities. Izuku used his athletic skills and cards to fight against the robots with ease.

 Izuku used his athletic skills and cards to fight against the robots with ease

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