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(Matt and Gus both have feeling for each other!)

The day went by for Matt, he enjoyed hanging out Gus. He felt calm around him and his friends, and just wished his own friends were like them. Boscha was snooty and constantly competitive. Skara was alright, she had a bit of a sassy attitude. Bria was sweet at first, but she was manipulative and controlling, constantly condescending towards him, Angmar and Gavin were both condescending but not as bad as Bria.

Recently Matt had been having reoccurring nightmares about his family. He just wanted to be loved, appreciated. But he wasn't so he just faked it at school, telling everyone how great he is when he doesn't even feel that great.

Matt got home, absolutely tired. He put his bag down and went upstairs to his room. His brother was still at the castle and his mom was angrily yelling at her husband. Matt didn't care that it was three in the afternoon, he was just going to sleep. Matt crawled into his bed, sighing, "Ugh..." He rolled over, looking out the open window. Matt held onto his pillow and fell asleep relatively quickly. I can't believe...I like...Augustus. Was his last conscious thought and he was out.
Matt ran, a storm rushed in. He was frozen, scared. Bonesborough was burning down around him. People were dying as Belos had just turned a blind eye. Matt tried saving them but they immediately died as he touched them. He ran finding someone who wasn't dead. His whole family was gone, Gus' friends were gone, Bria and all his "friends" were gone. Matt ran on a bluff next to the boiling sea, the waves crashed on the shoreline. They weren't normal, blood not water. The blood boiled as bubbles appeared on the surface. Gus came up from behind him making Matt turn sharply, "Oh thank Tita-" He looked up to see the Titan skull melting along with all of its bones. He shook his head, "We need to do something Gus...Gus?" Matt put his hands on Gus' shoulders. Matt stepped back as darkness formed around the two of them, blocking out the chaos. Gus collapsed to the ground, bleeding out. Matt looked down at his hands that had a dagger in them, covered in blood. 'Look what you did Mattholomule, just like your mother. Except worse.' Matt shook his head rapidly as he felt hands push him of the bluff into the boiling sea.

Matt awoke in a state of panic. Gus? Is he okay..I have to get to him... Matt stood up, jumping on his windowsill. He leapt from his window and ran towards Gus' house, tears forming in his eyes. He wound up on Gus' doorstep, knocking on it. It was midnight and he was trembling from the cold. He was scared and still panicking. Gus opened the door, half asleep, "Huh...who is it...Mattholomule?!" Matt rushed hugging onto Gus, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." He repeated those words. He cried into Gus' shoulder. Gus blushed, "Shh...hey it's alright...I'm right here Matt..." He ran to me and not his mom? Does he have mommy issues? Gus lead Matt by the hand upstairs to his bedroom and sat him on his bed, "What happened?" Matt shook his head, "I don't wanna talk about it.." Gus nodded, respectfully. Gus reached behind him, grabbing a blanket. He wrapped it around the two holding Matt close. The two blushed, Matt (through his tears) blushed more obviously. Matt laid across Gus' lap, "I just had a really bad nightmare..." Gus nodded and ran his thumb across Matt's forehead, "God I love you..." Matt looked up, "What?" Gus blushed awkwardly, "What? I didn't say anything." Matt shrugged and stared at the ceiling, legitimately not knowing what he said.

The morning came and the two hadn't slept. They played video games. Matt yawned and put his controller down, laying on Gus' bed. Gus looked over and smiled softly, he laid down next to him. Matt pulled the blanket over the two, as they stared at each other. Matt nodded off first and Gus didn't, he saw Matt twitch in his sleep. He looked as though he was having another nightmare. Gus grabbed around Matt's waist, pulled him closer to Gus. He is so stupid. But oh my Titan I love him.

Lol these aren't long. Ima make a book along with the Photograph series. It's gonna be called Wittebane (it's gonna be abt Caleb, Philip, and Evelyn!!!)

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