Part Six: It's You and Me, That's My Whole World

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(Taylor's POV)

I took a deep breath as I began waking up, and I scrunched up my nose when I felt a weight on my chest. It was too big to be Meredith, and it definitely wasn't Olivia, so-

My eyes snapped open, and I smiled sleepily down at Alison. She must've cuddled up against me during the night, because she was currently sleeping halfway sprawled across my chest and stomach, wrapped safely in my arms.

I carefully reached with one hand toward my nightstand to check the time on my phone. It was 7 a.m., which was actually surprising to me since we'd gone to sleep pretty early.

I heard a little growl, and looked back down at Ali. A quiet chuckle escaped me when I realized it was her stomach growling.

"Ali," I whispered, and gently rubbed her back. "Alison, honey, wake up."


She yawned, and turned her face up toward me. Immediately, her blue eyes lit up, and a smile stretched across her lips.

"Good morning. How did you sleep? No more nightmares?"

She shook her head, and cuddled tighter against me.

"I think that's the best I ever slept," she said with another little yawn. "Am I squishing you?"

"Not at all," I laughed. "But how about we get up, and I can make you some breakfast. We have a lot of shopping to do today. Does that sound good?"

"Okay! What are we having?"

Alison scrambled to sit up, and I grinned when I saw her messy bed head. She just looked so...happy.

"Well, I'm thinking that since today is pretty special and it's our first breakfast together..." I paused dramatically and her eyes got wide. "We're having pancakes!"

"Yes! I love pancakes!"

Alison shimmied excitedly as she climbed down off of my bed, and I just chuckled as I followed her to the door.

As we walked downstairs, I had the realization that this was the very first time I got to make breakfast for my daughter... I could hardly keep the grin off of my face the entire morning.

After breakfast, I'd sent Alison to brush her teeth and get ready for today, and I'd retreated to my bedroom to do the same. I also had my phone out to call my little brother.

"So, how bad was it with Mom last night?" Austin answered the phone casually.

I let out a long sigh. My heart ached just thinking about it.

"The worst. They wanted me to give her back, just take her back like returning a sweater or something." I clenched my eyes shut. "I told them that wasn't happening, and I'm pretty sure I basically told them I wasn't coming to see them unless they can accept her."

"Whoa." Austin's voice was low. "That's a lot. How are you doing today, Teffy?"

"Honestly?" I laughed quietly. "I'm really sad about Mom and Dad, but mostly I'm just so happy. Even if it seems crazy or strange or whatever, this is exactly the right thing for me and for this little girl."

"I'm glad." I could hear the smile in his voice, and I felt my shoulders slump in relief. "So, are you going to tell me her name? I'd like to know a little bit about my new niece," he teased.

"Alison Riley Swift," I said proudly. "She'll be 8 on December 13th."

"Wait, she has your name and your birthday? What, did you hire a private investigator to find this girl for you, Taylor?" Austin laughed at his own joke, and I sighed playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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