charity never faileth

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When she arrived at school she was bombarded by Caroline asking her to help with the fundraiser. A car wash. All Val cared about was if she was alright after last night, safe to say her threat to Damon was getting ever closer to coming true.

"I don't want to talk about it Val, we just need sexy." She said handing more leaflets out. She walked over to Stefan and Elena, with Caroline.

"Stefan, where's Damon? He has some serious apologising to do." She then asked happily.

"Are you serious?" Val said furrowing her brows.

"He's gone anyways Valentina." Stefan said to both her and Caroline, this caused Val to smile.

"When's he coming back?" Caroline asked, optimistically.

"He's not coming back." Stefan replied, Val had a sneaky suspicion as to why. So she tuned into Stefan's thoughts seeing Damon on the floor and hearing something about vervain. "I'm sorry."

"Stefan I need to talk to you about... homework." She said trying to give him the hint.

"Sure Valentina, I'll see you after school." He said, Elena looked almost annoyed. How could Stefan meet Val after school, but she had to wait until 4?

"This is a good thing, Caroline." Elena said to her.

"Elena, it's no use. Just leave it." Val said turning to Caroline. "Come on, let's hand out more leaflets."

Her suspicions were right, of course. They walked down to see Damon about to kill Zach. "Well, well, well, look who we have here." She said looking through the small window of the door.

"Anastasia." Damon whispered out.

"This is just sad." She said smiling at the state he was in. She decided to walk back up, away from the basement. Seeing Stefan just standing there. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Your just... standing there. Brooding." She said to him.

"I don't brood." He replied.

"Yes you do. You're doing right now. Look at the time, don't you have a date with your girlfriend Steffy." She smiled, condescendingly. He was now over an hour late.

The next day she had come in a a black bikini for Caroline's fundraiser. It was really just an excuse to look sexy and it worked. Currently she was talking to a topless boy who had sprayed her before.

But she immediately got distracted when Tiki was sprayed by a hose. A hose gone crazy. No chance. She walked over leaving the guy asking for her number to be blanked. "Woah Tik, what happened." She said laughing.

"Shut it, Val." Tiki said annoyed. Val just rolled her eyes, making the bucket fall over to ruin Tikis shoes.

She walked over to a lonely little Salvatore brother. "Stefan, not looking very sexy I have to say." She raised an eyebrow, helping him clean the car.

"I've already been scolded by Caroline, don't worry." He said to her, squinting his eyes.

"Wow, where's your little damsel?" She then asked.

"Gone to get more towels." He replied.

In return she let her eyes roll backwards to posses someone who might be in eye-line of Elena, she found the girl. "No she's actually sorting money out."

"Stop doing that, it's creepy. No need to spy on her." Stefan told her.

"Well you never know Stefan, she could be going to find Damon and start having sex with him. It's in her blood." She said shrugging. All she got was a glare from Stefan in return.

"Oh Stefan you're in trouble." She said noticing Elena looking their way. "Jealousy is strong." She said laughing.

"I'll be back." He said rolling his eyes at her nature.

Tiki came up to her giving her instructions, telling her to clean the pavement. "Who died and let you be in charge Tiki?"

"Caroline bailed." Tiki smirked.

"That doesn't make you in charge." She said angrily. "Where is Caroline?" She then asked.

"It does and who cares." Tiki said walking away, obviously she wasn't gonna get Val to do anything.

A few moments later a car started burning, Val smirked. Bonnie was becoming ever more like her ancestors. It soon went out but Val wanted more, so she set in on fire again causing it to blow up. Stefan gave her a glare knowing she was the cause of it relighting. She just shrugged and walked off. Stefan decided to comfort Bonnie.

Even though Valentina and Damon hated each other. The two appeared to be more alike then they would ever admit, this made Stefan scared. He was glad the two never met when Damon's humanity was off and Valentina previous reincarnation was rampaging on the human race causing mass murders. The two would of been unstoppable. Terrifying.

Boring chapter 😭

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