Chapter 4: All Fired Up

Start from the beginning

G: Fine, fine. If you are going to face the other gyms, I suggest starting off with Brock in Pewter City. He was trainers' first stop for getting their first badge before Blue came.

Seris: Pewter City, huh? Alright, how do I get there?

*G holds his paper with one hand before using the other hand to point his thumb behind him and pointing it down path towards a route and a brush thicket* 

G: Go down this road into Route 2 and go through it and Viridian Forest all the way to the other side and you should get there eventually.

Seris: Alright. Thanks for the heads up, G. I'll see you later. 

*He waves at the young man slightly as he gets walks down the path G directed him*

G: ...The kid kind of reminds me of him, except more expressive.

*As Seris walks around a decent patch of tall grass in Route 2 and about an hour and a half of walk, he has finally made it to the Viridian Forest, where he sees a bunch of trees and Bug Pokémon littered the entire area. Not only that, but also a bunch of branching pathways for him to take, which made him somewhat annoyed*

Seris: Note to self: Punch G in the gut the next time I see his smartass...

???: Eeevvvvooooo!

*Seris is taken out of his thoughts when sees something that approaching one of the patches of tall grass, sniffing it. Upon a better look, he sees that is an Eevee next to it and gets excited*

Seris: Holy crap! An Eevee. Pokémon number two, here I come.~

*He readies Armada's pokéball in his hand and prepares to throw it at the unsuspecting Pokémon*

Seris: I choose y-

???: There you are, Eevee!

*Seris trips up a little bit from hearing this before seeing the Eevee look up a bit in the direction of the voice and smile before running a short distance to a trainer next to a tree near the entrance. The trainer bends down and pets the Pokémon's head before speaking again*

???: Don't run off like that, man. There are Weedle out there and they definitely get their point across.

*The trainer looks up a bit and sees Seris trying to compose himself a bit from almost accidentally stealing a Pokémon and sees the PDA on his wrist before giving a chipper smile in his direction*

???: Well, what do you know. You are the other tester after all. 

*Seris looks up and sees the trainer walking toward him with the Eevee in tow before looking at him a good bit and thinks heavily*

???: What's the problem?

Seris: You said I'm the other tester but... yeah, I have no clue what the heck you are talking about...

*The trainer laughs it off a bit before giving him a straight answer*

???: What I mean is that you a beta tester like me and the other girl. See!

*The guy holds up his right wrist to reveal the same PDA as Seris before Seris's eyes widen as he realizes it now*

Seris: Ohhhhh crap! You were that guy who was outside the lab with that one ninja in Pallet.

*The young man gives a hardy smile as he puts his hands in his pockets*

???: That's right, but I am not some guy. 

Mickey: My name is Mickey, and it's great to finally meet the third tester in Krane's project

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Mickey: My name is Mickey, and it's great to finally meet the third tester in Krane's project.

Seris: What do you mean by "third tester?"

Mickey: I mean that you were the third and last person to not only get their starter but also getting the beta version of the PDA like me. I was the second person while that girl you saw back then was the first.

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